Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chapter 56

The three of them walked out of the courtroom. Blade held up his hands. “I don’t suppose you could remove these now. I promise to wait at least twenty-four hours before trying to escape.”
Krys rolled his eyes but unlocked the cuffs.
“What mitigating circumstances?” Ice asked. “Why were you given a reprieve?”
“I can answer that,” Tory said from behind. “First of all, your testimony and genuine affection for him convinced the Council that he was deserving of a second chance, which is why his case will be reviewed in a year. Secondly,” he hesitated glancing at Blade for permission to continue.
“Secondly, I’m pregnant,” Blade finished.
“Right. Even though the pregnancy is unsanctioned, they aren’t willing to kill an innocent child. Especially since Blade was also raped. If the child is Aqua’s than it deserves the same consideration as your unborn child.”
Ice put his hand on his stomach. “I thought, I wasn’t sure. I’m not sure I can do this again.”
Tory put his hand over Ice’s. “You won’t have to do this alone. Besides it might be Blade’s or Brutus’s child. For another thing, I am a licensed psychiatrist and you will be attending mandatory counseling sessions for the near future.”
“Can I see Aaron?”
“Not yet. In a few months. I need to speak with him first and help him adjust to what happened to you. Your children and your current pregnancy. Then the two of you will attend couples counseling along with Onyx and Blade.”
“Me? What do I have to do with this?” Blade asked.
Tory turned to the other and explained. “Ice cares about you, you care about him. Ice loves Aaron, Aaron loves him. Onyx loves Aaron, Aaron cares about him. The four of you need to work out some kind of compromise otherwise someone is going to get hurt. My job is to help smooth over the rough edges. There are children involved, if the four of you can’t work something out, they’re the ones who will suffer the most.”
Blade slowly nodded, “That makes sense, but what will happen to the other children that Ice bore?”
Krys spoke up then, “Since Ice is of my blood, they are under my supervision. Once a new head of the Aquamarine bloodline is appointed, we will work together to ensure that the children’s Gifts are trained. For now, they will live with me.”
“No. They are my children. I should be responsible for them.”
“Ice, I appreciate the thought, but until I’m sure you won’t take out your anger against their father on them, I can’t permit that.”
Ice opened his mouth and closed it. He mutely nodded. Krys was correct. He couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t abuse the children in lieu of their father.

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