Saturday, August 18, 2012

Chapter 41

        Aaron woke up. His head was pounding, but that was nothing new. His head was always pounding. The accompanying nausea was also a familiar presence. He took a quick inventory of his body. Besides the headache and nausea, there was a dull ache between his legs. He levered himself up and reached for the bottle on the table.
        He cursed when he found it was empty. Sitting up did nothing to improve his head or stomach. He glanced at the nearby clock. It was evening. Aaron wondered what day it was. He shrugged. It didn’t really matter what day it was. The only thing that mattered was finding something to drink. He stood up and stumbled into the bathroom to relieve the growing pressure in his bladder. For a moment it was a toss up which would empty first: bladder or stomach.
        He leaned on the sink and considered his reflection. It had been five years since Ice had vanished into thin air. The police had been useless. The private investigators he had hired had been just as effective as the police. The only thing that mattered to him now was drowning the pain. He ran his tongue over his teeth. He grimaced at the odd taste in his mouth. There had obviously been something wrong with the vintage last night.
        He decided that a shower might just help his head. As he scrubbed, he noticed that bruises were forming on his upper thighs. As he examined them, he realized that they were hand-shaped bruises. He cursed. He knew Onyx had been pining for him for years, but he never thought that he would let his lust overcome his good sense.
        He stormed into the kitchen. “How could you!? What kind of monster are you to take advantage of someone who might have had a little too much to drink?” He snarled, taking Onyx by surprise.
        Onyx stared at him and grabbed his arm. Aaron jerked his arm away. “Don’t touch me, you pervert!”
        “I’m not the one standing naked in the kitchen in front of impressionable young children.”
        “You’re changing the subject!”
        “I think we should take this conversation to another room, Aaron.”
        “You really think I’m going to be alone with you after what you did?”
        “That’s it!” Onyx grabbed Aaron and spun him around. He propelled Aaron into the living room. “Finish your dinner, children,” he called to their audience.
        “Let go of me!”
        “Tell me why you’re angry and maybe we can work something out.”
        “NO! I want you out of my house and away from my daughters. Who knows what you’ve been doing to them. You’re probably screwing your bastards as well.”

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