Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chapter 30

Blade walked into his Master’s study. “The insemination proceeded perfectly. The boy should give birth in nine months.”
“Excellent.” The vampire looked up, “You do not approve of my actions?”
“He is young. What you are doing to him is cruel.”
“You overstep your boundaries, Blade. He is necessary to my plans. If he hadn’t fled his Maker, I would have what I needed by now. He was promised to me, and one day he will willingly submit to my attentions.”
Blade looked down, “He loves another. He will not submit.”
The vampire moved out from behind the desk and gently stroked Blade’s cheek. “You submitted. He will submit.”
Blade barely managed not to pull away from his Master’s touch. The memory of his Master’s depravity still gave him nightmares. Only his skill as a doctor had prevented his death, but at this point death was preferable to eternal servitude. The vows he had sworn upon becoming a vampire prevented him from turning against his Master.

Lips brushed his cheek, “Perhaps I should remind you of your position.” A hand caressed his groin provoking a response. “You still remember how I made you feel, even after all this time.” The hand expertly undid Blade’s pants and pushed them down. The vampire pulled away and looked down. “So eager, so ready. Are you wet? Shall I find out?” A finger slid between Blade’s legs and began stroking him.
A tear slid down Blade’s cheek as his Master expertly aroused him again and again without permitting him release. Finally the older vampire tired of his game and pushed Blade away. “You have duties, attend to them.”
Blade nodded and pulled up his pants. His body aching with need, he hurried into the bathroom to cleanse himself of his Master’s touch. There was no one he could turn to for comfort, none he dared trust. The only person he liked was as much as prisoner as himself…

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