Monday, August 13, 2012

Chapter 32

Blade was sitting at his computer when he felt a hand brush the back of his neck. The scent was his Master’s. His Master played idly with his hair. Blade waited patiently for him to speak. Eventually, the hand tightened its grip on his hair.
“How is the pregnancy going?” his Master asked, annoyed at speaking first.
“It progresses well, Master.”
“And the gender?”
“It is difficult to tell sometimes. I was not aware that such things mattered to you.”
“It makes it easier to determine who will be chosen for the next pairing if there is one of each.”
Blade was silent. He really did not want to participate in this insane plan. The hand began stroking him again.
“Tell me of my mate’s mongrel children.”
“There are three girls and two boys. The two oldest girls are a blend with the amethyst bloodline. The boys are mongrels of the diamond bloodline. The youngest girl is a vampire child borne by Snow. None of them show any particular abilities but most don’t show their abilities till adolescence and the older two are only seven.”
“You will keep me informed if any of them show unusual abilities.”
“Of course, Master. I live to serve you.”
The hand tightened painfully around Blade’s neck. “Sarcasm is not a healthy trait to have here. You have been warned about that before. Brutus is getting bored and horny being cooped up here with no outlet. Perhaps I should let him have you as a playmate for an hour or two.”
Blade blanched. He was aware of Brutus’s amusements and did not want a starring role in them. He sent up a silent prayer that Brutus was a true male. True males were almost exclusively heterosexual left to their own devices.

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