Monday, August 27, 2012

Chapter 53

Ice spent the next week reading and watching TV. Any questions about what was happening were politely but firmly deflected.
The day of the Council meeting, Krys and Tory escorted Ice to testify. The Council consisted of five women and another man. Tory went to stand beside the others while Krys stood beside Ice.
“Please state your name.”
“Ice King.”
“Describe the events leading to your presence before this Council.”
Ice took a deep breath and told the Council about being captured. He described his rape and how his captor demanded that Ice bear his children. He talked about Brutus and Blade and their treatment of him.
The Council listened impassively.
“We have a few questions. Who is your Maker?”
“She called herself Snow.”
“Did she tell you about the Council?”
“No, she did not.”
“Did you ask to become a vampire?”
“No. Until she turned me, I had no idea that vampires were real. I never asked to become this.”
“Did you kill her?”
Ice thought about that question. “No and yes.”
“She was pregnant with my child when she died. The pregnancy may have impeded her ability to escape when she was attacked. So, no, I did not intentionally kill her, but I may have been indirectly responsible for her death.”
“Did you plan on impregnating her?”
“No. She seduced me. I am, I was involved with someone when she reappeared in my life.”
“A vampire?”
“No, a human. I bore him a child.”
The Council looked uneasy about that. “What color is the father?”
“He’s purple.”
The man muttered something under his breath. Ice didn’t understand the language, but figured that it was probably a curse.
One of the women glared at him before consulting her notes. “You testified that you had sex with the males you call Brutus and Blade. It was consensual?”
“Yes. Blade always treated me with respect and courtesy. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to have sex with him. Brutus…” Ice trailed off. “I’m not entirely sure why I had sex with him. It seemed right at the time, but now…” he shrugged.
“Thank you. Your testimony has been enlightening. Lord Diamond, you may escort your vampire out of here while we deliberate.”


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