Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chapter 43

Aaron woke up. He rested his head on his hands studying the man lying in bed beside him. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t hung over. He was curious as to why Onyx was sleeping beside him fully clothed. Onyx’s eyes opened.
“Good morning. May I ask why you’re in my bed? Considering your state of dress, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t for sex. I could be wrong though.”
“Morning, Aaron. How are you feeling?” Onyx replied, warily.
“Like something the cat dragged in, but I’ve felt worse. And you are avoiding the question.”
“You asked me to stay with you. I must have fallen asleep.” Onyx sat up and stretched. Aaron watched him appreciatively. It had been a long time since he’d felt desire. “Do you remember last night?”
“No. What happened?”
“What’s the last thing you do remember?”
“What day is it today?”
Aaron thought about that. “Wednesday. I think I remember Wednesday. After that it’s a bit of blur.” He yawned and winced in pain. “Why does my jaw hurt?”
Onyx smiled, amused. “I punched you.”
“Why?” Aaron asked surprised.
Onyx hesitated. “Let’s just say you said some things that you wouldn’t have said if you weren’t drunk and leave it at that.”
Aaron winced again. He knew he’d been drinking way too much lately. He rolled out of bed and showered.

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