Friday, August 17, 2012

Chapter 38

Blade stood staring at the test strip. No matter how many times he looked it still read the same: “Positive.” He cursed under his breath. He had no idea what had possessed him to have sex with Brutus. The test mocked his belief that he was not in love with anyone. The conception potion was locked up and Blade made sure that Ice’s supply of plasma juice was placed in his room as soon as it was doctored. Ice was due in two months. His Master would return in time for that event. Blade had no idea how his Master would react to Blade’s pregnancy.
Blade walked out of the lab and plopped down on the couch next to Brutus. Some boring sporting event was playing on the TV.
“Something wrong?” Brutus asked taking is gaze from the game.
“I’m pregnant.”
“Oh. What are you going to do?”
“It’s early enough that I could terminate without much problem.”
“But I don’t want to. I want this child.”
“Even though it’s not Ice’s?”
“I want it because it’s your child.”
“Okay.” Brutus turned back to the game.
“You’re enthusiasm for your impending fatherhood is underwhelming.” Blade commented drily.
“Your body. Your choice. The child isn’t exactly sanctioned.”
“I know.” Blade leaned against Brutus who absent-mindedly put his arm around him.


Ice delivered his child without too much fuss two months later. It was a healthy boy, Abe. 
               Blade gave birth six months after that without his Master even noticing that he had been pregnant. It was a healthy boy, Ace.

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