Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chapter 49


Blade sighed softly when he felt Ice relax into sleep.
“What are we going to do, Brutus?” he whispered.
“I don’t know. The Master won’t like this.”
“Why did you…?” Blade trailed off, not certain he wanted to know the answer to his question.
“Live action porn? Of course I’m going to want some of that action.” Brutus chuckled.
“You know me too well, Blade.”
Blade sighed again. “I shouldn’t have taken advantage of him.”
“He’s been here too long. It was inevitable that he would become infatuated with you. You’re too compassionate for a vampire.”
“Without compassion and mercy what are we? We’re just mindless monsters. We have to cling to our humanity to remain sane.”
“Blade, you think too much.”
“I know,” Blade yawned and snuggled closer to Ice. He closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.
A loud crash woke the three of them. Blade’s Master stood in the doorway, looking displeased. There was no hiding the fact that they’d had sex. Blade scrambled to his feet. The others followed him.
Cold, aqua eyes surveyed them. “Well, well, well, I go away for a little while and when I return what do I find? I find my trusted servants canoodling with their prisoner. I find that they left the door to his cell unlocked so he could have escaped at any time. This makes me wonder if any of those children are actually mine. Perhaps you’ve been deceiving me all this time. Tell me, Blade, what is the punishment for those who betray me?”
Blade swallowed. “Torture and rape. Until death, Master.”
“Indeed.” He stroked Blade’s hair before getting a painful grip on it. “Now, I think I’ll start with you. Only you would be soft-hearted enough to actually care for something like that.”
“As you wish, Master."
“Brutus, tie up the boy and then pin Blade to the ground.” Brutus complied. Blade felt the Master grab his thighs and he had to struggle not to cry out as he was brutalized. Hands grabbed him and dragged him off to the coffin room.
He collapsed on the floor before giving into tears. He knew the liquid trailing down his legs was blood mixed with feces and semen. He hoped the other two were faring better, but in his heart he knew better.


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