Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 27

Ice sat there with his arms around his knees. It had been months since he had given birth. His captor had shown no interest in his existence since then. The fact that Ice had never seen his face, made Ice wonder if he would be released at some point. He had seen the Goon Squad, but he knew that those two might possibly be considered expendable.
The door opened and Goon Two entered.
“I don’t suppose you’re here to let me go?” Ice asked.
He smiled, “No, but I am surprised you’ve managed to retain your sense of humor.”
Ice shrugged. “It was either that or hang myself and since there is a dearth of material to do that…”
Two laughed. “Yes, well, there have been several complaints from our guests about that. Apparently, prisoners object to having their lives forcibly prolonged.”
“Really? I can’t imagine why they might object,” Ice replied drily. “Do you know why I have been treated like this?”
Two’s amusement faded and he looked uncomfortable, “Yes, I know. I cannot tell you.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not permitted.”
“Says who?”
“The Evil Villain’s Minion Handbook. Rule 3, Subsection 4, Paragraph 2: Minions shall not reveal their Master’s evil plan to the hero.”
 Ice blinked, “You’re making that up.”
Two merely smiled and offered his arm, “Now, my Lord and Master eagerly awaits your company. If you will deign to accompany me…”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really, but there is no reason to be uncivilized about the whole thing.”
“Why are you doing this? You don’t seem like a faceless minion.”
“He is my Lord and Master. I must obey him.”
“Where are we going?”
He gave Ice a sidelong glance. “Well, not to put a fine point on it, you could use a bath.”
Goon Two escorted Ice to a bathroom and leaned against the door while Ice showered. Ice thought about the exchange while the warm water cascaded down his body. What was this intelligent, witty, nice man doing working for someone capable of kidnap and rape?

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