Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chapter 35

Blade carefully cleaned up his lab area and tried to get his own body under control. He honestly hadn’t expected Ice to become aroused during his procedure.
“Do you realize you’ve been scrubbing the same spot for thirty minutes? I think it’s clean .”
Blade jumped. “Please don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“I wasn’t sneaking. You were off in your own little world.”
“Did you want something?”
“The broodmare is tucked in his cell.”
“Don’t call him that. He has a name.”
Brutus shrugged. “It’s what he is. Using someone’s name makes them a person. He’s a prisoner. I can’t afford to think of him as a person. Not if I want to do my job.”
Blade digested that statement. “Does that mean you actually have feelings?”
“No. I torture people for a living. Sympathy and empathy make it impossible to do my job. My job satisfaction comes from doing my job well.”
“Then you don’t enjoy hurting people?”
“Depends on the person.”
Blade thought about that. “You said that you didn’t want to hurt me. Does that mean you actually like me?”
Brutus was silent. “You are the only person here who has earned my respect. No matter how many times you’ve been sent to me to be punished, you’ve never, ever tried to avoid it. You might scream and cry but you never beg for mercy or bargain for a lesser punishment. I respect that.” His mouth made a movement that might be considered a smile. He moved closer.
Blade tensed as Brutus invaded his personal space. The other vampire took a deep breath. “Blade, you really need to get laid.”
Blade looked into his eyes, “Are you offering?”
“Do you want me to offer?”
Blade looked away. “I’ve heard things about you…about your tastes.”
“And what have you heard?”
“That you like it rough, really rough. I’ve seen people come in here with injuries,” Blade whispered.
“True, all true.” Brutus moved closer. Blade closed his eyes and Brutus pressed his body against his own.
“Why are you doing this? I didn’t think I was your type.”
Brutus brushed his lips against Blade’s cheek. “Do you know how long it’s been? The only people I have been permitted to have contact with are people the Master wishes punished. That’s not very satisfying.”
“You mean you want an actual relationship not just sex?” Blade was stunned. This person who had been terrifying vampires for centuries, who had a reputation as a sadistic brute, actually wanted love?
Brutus stilled, considering that statement. He laughed and pulled away.
“What’s so funny?”
“It’s just that you’re right. I want something more than just meaningless sex. Who would have thought that?” Still chuckling, he walked out of the lab.

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