Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chapter 52

Ice woke when the car stopped.
“We’re here.”
He stretched and asked, “Where’s here?”
“Our home. You will stay with us until the Council meets. They will ask you questions. Answer them truthfully. I recommend that you don’t talk about your experience with either of us until after you testify,” the investigator replied.
“Okay, but can I at least know your names?”
He laughed, “I’m Krys and that’s Tory.”
“What’s the Council?”
He looked startled, “You don’t know about the Council?” Ice shook his head. “The Vampire Council oversees everything to do with vampires. They make and enforce the laws governing our existence. It has nine members. They are the most powerful vampires of their bloodline. There are some functions that are the responsibility of certain members. There is always a trained doctor on the council. He is always a member of the Tourmaline bloodline. One council member investigates infractions of the laws. That task depends on who is the most qualified. It usually is a member of the Amethyst bloodline. The current one is of the Diamond bloodline.”
Ice thought about that. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re a member of the council and so’s he.” He gestured to the pink vampire.
Tory nodded. “Yes. We’re both council members. The man you held you prisoner was the head of the Aquamarine bloodline.”
Ice widened his eyes. “What’s going to happen to him?”
“He’ll probably be executed and his co-conspirators with him.”
“You will probably be seen as a victim by the Council.”
“Probably?” Ice didn’t like the sound of that. “He imprisoned  and raped me. How could I be guilty?” He buried his face in his hands. Tory sat down and pulled him close.
“It’s that fact that will probably save your life. You see, the creation of new vampires is strictly regulated by the council and you weren’t approved. Illegal vampires usually die with their Maker.”
“She’s dead. The one who made me is dead. She died before I was captured.”
“You can’t talk about that. Ice, you are our guest, but if you run we will have no choice but to treat you as a criminal. Is that understood?”
ce nodded. “So I’m still a prisoner but I have a better cage. I understand,” he said bitterly.
“I’m sorry.”


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