Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chapter 46

Aaron took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. He knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
Aaron entered a stereotypical psychiatrist’s office. The man sitting in one of the chairs gestured to the nearby couch.

“Please sit down. Why don’t you tell me about why you are here?”
Aaron sat and marshaled his thoughts. “I have a drinking problem. It started after the police refused to look for my missing lover…” Aaron proceeded to explain everything to Dr. Walters. “…and that’s when I decided I needed help,” he concluded.
“Interesting? Your friend, Onyx, refused to tell you who he suspected in Ice’s disappearance?”
“Yes. He promised Ice he wouldn’t tell me because it was dangerous.”
Dr. Walters rolled his pen through his fingers. “I have a friend who dabbles in private investigations who might be able to help. May I contact him?”
“I, we, can’t afford to pay him. In fact,” Aaron blushed, “we can’t really afford to pay your fees.”
“I am independently wealthy. I practice medicine because it amuses me, not because I need the money. This means I can afford to take cases that interest me and my fees are based on a sliding scale. I help those who need help rather than a bunch of wealthy neurotics with way too much time and money on their hands.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
“Now shall we say same time next week for your next session?”
“Um, actually can we make it earlier? I have children in school and I’d like to be home when they’re home.”
“Not a problem. How’s eleven a.m.?”
“That’s fine.”
“I’ll see you then and here’s my friend’s card if you are interested. He also operates on a sliding scale for his fees. In addition, I’d like to talk to your friend Onyx.”
Aaron wrapped his hand around the proffered business card. “I’ll let him know. Until next week.”

Aaron slid into the front seat of the car.
“How did your session go?”
“It was fine. He wants to talk to you. He also suggested we talk to a private investigator friend of his.”
“Did you ask about his fee?”
“He said we only had to pay what we could afford.”
“I think we should talk to his friend.”
At Aaron’s next session, they met with the private investigator. He was introduced as Al Dee. Al listened intently to their story and asked them several questions before sending them on their way.

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