Friday, August 31, 2012

Chapter 57

Aaron took a deep breath as he walked up the drive to his therapist’s office. It had been months since Ice had been rescued and now Aaron was going to see him. It was the opinion of Dr. Walters that they not see each other until after Ice had had some time to adjust to his freedom. Aaron wondered what it would be like to finally see him again. He knew that Ice was pregnant with his captor’s child. It had taken him awhile to digest that piece of information.
As he stepped into the office he saw Ice sitting on the couch. “Hey, you.”
“Hey yourself,” Ice stood up.
“Wow, you really are pregnant.”
Ice rested his hands on his protruding stomach. “Yes, I really am. I’m told it’s triplets.”
Aaron dropped open his mouth. “Really? Are you keeping them all or giving them up for adoption?”
“The thing is there are three potential fathers. I had consensual sex with two of them. So, I want to keep them.”
“You slept with two people while you were gone?” Aaron was hurt at Ice’s betrayal.
“Aaron, I was a prisoner for a long time. They were kind to me. I didn’t mean to have feelings for them, it just happened. One of them is dead because of his complicity in my abduction. My rapist is dead as well. The other one has been granted a reprieve because he’s pregnant. It might be my child.”
Aaron dropped bonelessly onto the couch. “This is a lot for me to take in. Do you really care for this man?”
Ice sat beside him and pulled him into his embrace. “Yes, I care for him. It isn’t the same way I care for you, but we’ve gotten even closer of the past few months,” Ice paused, “I’m sleeping with him.”
Aaron buried his face in his hands. Ice, his beloved Ice, had cheated on him, was still cheating on him. A wave of guilt reminded Aaron that he wasn’t exactly innocent. “Ice, I had sex with Onyx while you were gone. It was just one time and I was drunk, but I still was unfaithful.”
“I know. Tory says that the four of us need to work out an arrangement. He wants us to stay here until after the babies are born. I’m planning on adopting Blade’s children if things go bad.”
“What do you mean ‘if things go bad’?” Aaron looked up at him.
“At the end of the year, Blade’s case will be reviewed, if the Council finds him guilty, he’ll be executed like the others.”
“I’m sorry. You are a better man than I if you can take in his children.”
Ice took a deep breath. “I was also thinking about taking in the other children. The ones I bore to my rapist. When all is said and done, they are my children and should be made to pay for their father’s sins. Tory has been helping work through my issues regarding them.”
Aaron contemplated that. “Exactly how many children are we talking about?”
“Altogether, with the older ones and the ones Blade and I carrying, there are twelve children.”
“Oh.” Twelve children under the age of seven. That was a lot of children. That would triple the number of children in the house. “I can’t agree to that.” Ice opened his mouth to protest. “You’re talking about twelve children. I need to think about that. I think Onyx should be part of that decision. After all, he’s probably going to be the one doing a lot of the work.”
Ice nodded. “I know it’s a lot to take in which is why I’m telling you now before the babies are born. You have time to think about it and I have time to make other arrangements if necessary. Krys is willing to raise the older children and Blade’s unborn children if it comes to that.” His voice gentled, “I have missed you, Aaron. I thought about you nearly every day. Sometimes I think it was the only thing that kept me sane. I had someone to come back. I had to hold on for you.”
“You did better than me.” Aaron looked away embarrassed, “I have a drinking problem. I’m getting help. In fact, it’s why I started coming to see Dr. Walters in the first place. He was the one who contacted the investigator. He also told me all about vampires.”
Ice flushed, his fair skin betraying is discomfort with the topic. “I’m sorry, I should have told you, but I hate being a vampire. It’s brought me nothing but grief. I never meant to fall in love with you or make you fall in love with me. I’ve been working with Krys to control my vampiric abilities. Apparently Snow should have taught me a great many things. I’m glad she’s already dead, otherwise I might be tempted to kill her.”
“You’re not a murderer, Ice.”
“I’m a vampire. I have killed. I’ve fed from humans until they died.”
“You lost control. That’s different from premeditated murder.”
“Tell that to my victims.”


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chapter 56

The three of them walked out of the courtroom. Blade held up his hands. “I don’t suppose you could remove these now. I promise to wait at least twenty-four hours before trying to escape.”
Krys rolled his eyes but unlocked the cuffs.
“What mitigating circumstances?” Ice asked. “Why were you given a reprieve?”
“I can answer that,” Tory said from behind. “First of all, your testimony and genuine affection for him convinced the Council that he was deserving of a second chance, which is why his case will be reviewed in a year. Secondly,” he hesitated glancing at Blade for permission to continue.
“Secondly, I’m pregnant,” Blade finished.
“Right. Even though the pregnancy is unsanctioned, they aren’t willing to kill an innocent child. Especially since Blade was also raped. If the child is Aqua’s than it deserves the same consideration as your unborn child.”
Ice put his hand on his stomach. “I thought, I wasn’t sure. I’m not sure I can do this again.”
Tory put his hand over Ice’s. “You won’t have to do this alone. Besides it might be Blade’s or Brutus’s child. For another thing, I am a licensed psychiatrist and you will be attending mandatory counseling sessions for the near future.”
“Can I see Aaron?”
“Not yet. In a few months. I need to speak with him first and help him adjust to what happened to you. Your children and your current pregnancy. Then the two of you will attend couples counseling along with Onyx and Blade.”
“Me? What do I have to do with this?” Blade asked.
Tory turned to the other and explained. “Ice cares about you, you care about him. Ice loves Aaron, Aaron loves him. Onyx loves Aaron, Aaron cares about him. The four of you need to work out some kind of compromise otherwise someone is going to get hurt. My job is to help smooth over the rough edges. There are children involved, if the four of you can’t work something out, they’re the ones who will suffer the most.”
Blade slowly nodded, “That makes sense, but what will happen to the other children that Ice bore?”
Krys spoke up then, “Since Ice is of my blood, they are under my supervision. Once a new head of the Aquamarine bloodline is appointed, we will work together to ensure that the children’s Gifts are trained. For now, they will live with me.”
“No. They are my children. I should be responsible for them.”
“Ice, I appreciate the thought, but until I’m sure you won’t take out your anger against their father on them, I can’t permit that.”
Ice opened his mouth and closed it. He mutely nodded. Krys was correct. He couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t abuse the children in lieu of their father.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chapter 55

Tory poked his head out of the room. “We’re done. You should come in for the sentencing.”
They followed him into the room. Ice paled as he saw his captors for the first time since his rescue. Krys squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“Lord Aquamarine, Russ Barajas called Brutus, Fabian Dickson called Blade, you have been brought before the Council for conspiring to kidnap, rape, and impregnate another vampire of the Diamond bloodline. Do you have anything else to say before you are sentenced?”
Blade and Brutus shook their heads. Lord Aquamarine sneered at the Council. “I did what I did for the good of all vampires. We should rule this world not hide in the shadows from humans like scared little kids.”
“Enough. You are too young to remember the time before the Council, but the reasons for its creation are still as valid today as they were then. Lord Aquamarine, you are stripped of your Council seat and you will be escorted to the courtyard to be burnt to death with the morning light. Russ Barajas, for your part in these events you will also be executed in the morning. Fabian Dickson, your actions also merit execution, but due to mitigating circumstances, your sentence will be commuted for a year. At the end of that time we will reconvene to determine your final fate. During this year, you will be remanded to Lord Diamond’s custody. Any attempt to escape will impact negatively on your final fate.”
“Thank you, my lords and ladies.” Blade walked over to stand beside Krys.
“Ice King, you are the result of an illegal conversion. Because this was done against your will and without your knowledge, you are permitted to live. While we don’t approve of humans and vampires having children, we will not forbid you to see your human lover again. We will monitor and train any offspring you have. In addition, you are forbidden to have any offspring with another vampire. It is the opinion of this Council that you have exceeded your lifetime limit. You will not be permitted to turn any humans either. If you violate these conditions you will be executed. Do you understand these conditions?”
“Yes, I do.” Ice breathed a sigh of relief. He could resume his life. He couldn’t wait to see Aaron again. He even missed Onyx.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chapter 54

Krys nodded and led Ice from the room.
“Now what happens?” Ice wanted to know.
“Now they talk and make their decision regarding the prisoners’ fates.”
“Why weren’t they happy to learn about my child?”
He looked surprised and then laughed. “I keep forgetting how ignorant you are about vampiric life. Vampires are either turned or born, either way permission must be granted by the Council. In addition, there are laws banning colors mixing.”
“I know that. Humans have the same laws.”
“We used our abilities to encourage that attitude. Each color has a particular Gift. Mixing the colors means that the child might possess the Gifts of both bloodlines. There is a myth about a child of all bloodlines. It says that the child will either be the savior of all or the destroyer of all. The translation’s a little fuzzy.”
“That’s why he wanted my children. To create such a child.”
“I believe so. The person who controls the child of myth would have a great deal of power.”
“What will happen to them?”
Krys looked at him. “You actually care about what happens to those children?”
Ice organized his thoughts. “I don’t love them. I can’t love them. They are the product of rape, but they are children. They don’t deserve to die for their father’s sins.”
“The Council isn’t happy about their existence, but they don’t kill children without cause. They will be monitored to ensure that they do not follow in their father’s footsteps. Since they are vampires, they will be required to swear allegiance to the Council when they come of age. If they get into trouble after that, they will be dealt with accordingly.”
Ice and Krys sat there for hours. With Ice’s testimony delivered, Krys was willing to answer any and all of Ice’s questions about the Council and vampires in general. Krys was appalled at Ice’s ignorance and was glad that Snow was dead because otherwise he’d have to kill her for her actions.  


Monday, August 27, 2012

Chapter 53

Ice spent the next week reading and watching TV. Any questions about what was happening were politely but firmly deflected.
The day of the Council meeting, Krys and Tory escorted Ice to testify. The Council consisted of five women and another man. Tory went to stand beside the others while Krys stood beside Ice.
“Please state your name.”
“Ice King.”
“Describe the events leading to your presence before this Council.”
Ice took a deep breath and told the Council about being captured. He described his rape and how his captor demanded that Ice bear his children. He talked about Brutus and Blade and their treatment of him.
The Council listened impassively.
“We have a few questions. Who is your Maker?”
“She called herself Snow.”
“Did she tell you about the Council?”
“No, she did not.”
“Did you ask to become a vampire?”
“No. Until she turned me, I had no idea that vampires were real. I never asked to become this.”
“Did you kill her?”
Ice thought about that question. “No and yes.”
“She was pregnant with my child when she died. The pregnancy may have impeded her ability to escape when she was attacked. So, no, I did not intentionally kill her, but I may have been indirectly responsible for her death.”
“Did you plan on impregnating her?”
“No. She seduced me. I am, I was involved with someone when she reappeared in my life.”
“A vampire?”
“No, a human. I bore him a child.”
The Council looked uneasy about that. “What color is the father?”
“He’s purple.”
The man muttered something under his breath. Ice didn’t understand the language, but figured that it was probably a curse.
One of the women glared at him before consulting her notes. “You testified that you had sex with the males you call Brutus and Blade. It was consensual?”
“Yes. Blade always treated me with respect and courtesy. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to have sex with him. Brutus…” Ice trailed off. “I’m not entirely sure why I had sex with him. It seemed right at the time, but now…” he shrugged.
“Thank you. Your testimony has been enlightening. Lord Diamond, you may escort your vampire out of here while we deliberate.”


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chapter 52

Ice woke when the car stopped.
“We’re here.”
He stretched and asked, “Where’s here?”
“Our home. You will stay with us until the Council meets. They will ask you questions. Answer them truthfully. I recommend that you don’t talk about your experience with either of us until after you testify,” the investigator replied.
“Okay, but can I at least know your names?”
He laughed, “I’m Krys and that’s Tory.”
“What’s the Council?”
He looked startled, “You don’t know about the Council?” Ice shook his head. “The Vampire Council oversees everything to do with vampires. They make and enforce the laws governing our existence. It has nine members. They are the most powerful vampires of their bloodline. There are some functions that are the responsibility of certain members. There is always a trained doctor on the council. He is always a member of the Tourmaline bloodline. One council member investigates infractions of the laws. That task depends on who is the most qualified. It usually is a member of the Amethyst bloodline. The current one is of the Diamond bloodline.”
Ice thought about that. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re a member of the council and so’s he.” He gestured to the pink vampire.
Tory nodded. “Yes. We’re both council members. The man you held you prisoner was the head of the Aquamarine bloodline.”
Ice widened his eyes. “What’s going to happen to him?”
“He’ll probably be executed and his co-conspirators with him.”
“You will probably be seen as a victim by the Council.”
“Probably?” Ice didn’t like the sound of that. “He imprisoned  and raped me. How could I be guilty?” He buried his face in his hands. Tory sat down and pulled him close.
“It’s that fact that will probably save your life. You see, the creation of new vampires is strictly regulated by the council and you weren’t approved. Illegal vampires usually die with their Maker.”
“She’s dead. The one who made me is dead. She died before I was captured.”
“You can’t talk about that. Ice, you are our guest, but if you run we will have no choice but to treat you as a criminal. Is that understood?”
ce nodded. “So I’m still a prisoner but I have a better cage. I understand,” he said bitterly.
“I’m sorry.”


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter 51

         Ice tensed as the door opened. He really didn’t want to be raped again, but the person entering was a stranger. He took an experimental sniff. The intruder was male and a vampire. The bed shook as the strange vampire sat beside him.
“I need you to hold perfectly still. Can you do that for me?”
Ice nodded. He felt the stranger grab one of his wrists. There was a burning cold sensation and the stranger pulled his wrist sharply. When his wrist was released, the handcuff was gone although it ached from the cold. The stranger repeated the procedure on his other wrist.

Ice sat up and removed his blindfold and gag. An older, grey vampire sat next to him. Ice worked his jaw and swallowed a few times. The stranger handed him a glass of plasma juice. Ice drained it in seconds.
“Thank you. Who are you and what do you want?”
The stranger smiled. “You’re welcome. I am a private investigator for an elite body. I’m here to rescue you. Your captor overstepped his boundaries and will be dealt with.” He paused, “I know you probably are dying for a shower and you certainly need one, but our resident physician needs to examine you and take pictures of what was done to you before you can bathe. He’ll try to make it as stress-free as possible. Are you up to it?”
Ice nodded, trying to hold back tears of relief. He was free. He was going home.
He got up and followed his rescuer from the bedroom to the familiar medical lab. Another male vampire was examining the computer and the lab equipment. He looked up and smiled.
“You must be Ice.”
“Yes, how did you know my name?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Ice looked around but the exit was blocked by the first vampire.
“Doctor, stop scaring the boy. We know your name because your friend Aaron hired me to find you. He showed me a picture,” the investigator explained.
“Can you make sense of the computer files while I examine him?” the doctor asked.
The other nodded and sat down at the computer. Ice sat on the examination table and patiently complied with the doctor’s requests.
Finally the doctor was finished. He handed Ice a robe to wear.
They escorted Ice out of the lair and into a car. Ice stretched out on the backseat and dozed.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Chapter 50

Ice trembled when his captor burst into his cell. He struggled not to vomit as he was tied up and pushed into a corner. The only thing he could do to help Blade was give him the illusion of privacy by closing his eyes as the other was raped.
Brutus dragged Ice to his feet and he stumbled after the other vampire. He was blindfold, gagged and tied to a bed to await his fate. He didn’t know how long he lay there before the door opened again.
A hand stroked his face. “You have been a very bad boy, my beloved mate. I trusted you not to give into your base lusts. Obviously I was away too long. They took horrible advantage of your innocent and trusting nature.” Ice felt dampness between his legs as his captor tenderly washed his genitals. “There, I’ve wiped away all trace of their attack. Now you are pure again.”
His legs were nudged opened and then he was raped. “I’ll wipe away all trace of their sin with my own seed. You’ll bear me lots of strong, healthy children.”
Ice lost track of the number of times he was mounted. Periodically he was sponged clean and fed. He slept and was awakened by the other’s frantic thrusts. This was how his days went. Eat. Sleep. Rape.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chapter 49


Blade sighed softly when he felt Ice relax into sleep.
“What are we going to do, Brutus?” he whispered.
“I don’t know. The Master won’t like this.”
“Why did you…?” Blade trailed off, not certain he wanted to know the answer to his question.
“Live action porn? Of course I’m going to want some of that action.” Brutus chuckled.
“You know me too well, Blade.”
Blade sighed again. “I shouldn’t have taken advantage of him.”
“He’s been here too long. It was inevitable that he would become infatuated with you. You’re too compassionate for a vampire.”
“Without compassion and mercy what are we? We’re just mindless monsters. We have to cling to our humanity to remain sane.”
“Blade, you think too much.”
“I know,” Blade yawned and snuggled closer to Ice. He closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.
A loud crash woke the three of them. Blade’s Master stood in the doorway, looking displeased. There was no hiding the fact that they’d had sex. Blade scrambled to his feet. The others followed him.
Cold, aqua eyes surveyed them. “Well, well, well, I go away for a little while and when I return what do I find? I find my trusted servants canoodling with their prisoner. I find that they left the door to his cell unlocked so he could have escaped at any time. This makes me wonder if any of those children are actually mine. Perhaps you’ve been deceiving me all this time. Tell me, Blade, what is the punishment for those who betray me?”
Blade swallowed. “Torture and rape. Until death, Master.”
“Indeed.” He stroked Blade’s hair before getting a painful grip on it. “Now, I think I’ll start with you. Only you would be soft-hearted enough to actually care for something like that.”
“As you wish, Master."
“Brutus, tie up the boy and then pin Blade to the ground.” Brutus complied. Blade felt the Master grab his thighs and he had to struggle not to cry out as he was brutalized. Hands grabbed him and dragged him off to the coffin room.
He collapsed on the floor before giving into tears. He knew the liquid trailing down his legs was blood mixed with feces and semen. He hoped the other two were faring better, but in his heart he knew better.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chapter 48

Ice tensed when Blade kissed his hair. This close to the other vampire, he could sense the other’s rising desire. Ice felt himself respond. It had been so long since he had been held with such tenderness, such care. He tilted his head up to meet Blade’s lips. When they touched, Ice forgot about the other vampire watching them. Blade ran his tongue lightly over Ice’s lips before trailing a line of kisses down the side of his neck. He pressed his lips firmly over Ice’s jugular vein. Ice moaned and tilted his head out of the way. Blade kissed him along his collarbone before pushing Ice onto his back. Ice looked up into Blade’s aqua eyes and saw his lust mirrored there.
“I want you, Ice,” Blade whispered. “I want to make love to you. I’ve wanted you for a long time.” He reached down to caress Ice’s erection. “I want to feel you moving in me.”
Ice arched up to meet his caress. “Please, you’re the only one who’s been kind to me.”
Blade bent and took one of Ice’s nipples in his mouth as his hand stroked Ice’s penis. Ice reached up and tugged at Blade’s clothing. After a bit of fumbling, Blade was free of his clothing. He lay on top of Ice and gently entered him. A few thrusts and he was done.
He pulled out and straddled Ice, guiding him inside. It didn’t take long for Ice to climax and Blade collapsed on top of the younger vampire.
A cough recalled him to his surroundings. Blade rolled off of Ice to look up at Brutus. Ice flushed as he realized the Brutus had watched the two of the have sex. He buried his head in his arms. A gentle touch on his arm made him raise his head. Brutus knelt beside him. Ice widened his eyes as Brutus leaned in and kissed him. Surprise made him open his mouth and the other’s tongue slipped inside. Gentle hands began arousing him again.
He parted his legs and felt Blade’s hands on his hips guiding him onto Brutus’s erection. His body stretched to accommodate him and he felt Blade press against him. The two of them found an acceptable rhythm and Ice surrendered to it.
After Ice lay curled against Brutus with Blade pressed against his back. He wondered why Blade hadn’t penetrated him. For the first time in a long time he felt relaxed. Ice closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 47

Blade entered Ice’s room. Ice was sitting on the floor with his face buried in his arms.
“What’s wrong?” Blade asked, kneeling beside him.
“I can’t do it again. I can’t bear another child for him. Isn’t five enough? Surely one of the must have been a boy?”

Blade sat back on his heels. It was true Ice had born five children: two girls and three boys. Unfortunately, his Master had insisted on making sure Ice was pregnant as often as possible. Blade cautiously embraced the younger vampire. He felt him tense up at his touch before relaxing.
“I wish I could help you. He wants as many children as you can bear. I think if you consented to sleep with him, he might relent.”
          “Never. I will never consent to him. I hate him. He’s imprisoned me, raped me and forced me to bear his children. How could I willingly go to him?” Ice spat out.
Blade ran his hand through Ice’s long white hair. He could feel his body responding to his proximity. A glance at Brutus showed the other vampire watching impassively. He kissed the top of Ice’s head, wishing he could offer more comfort than his arms.