Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chapter 99

   Matt drove around the city for the next month looking for his missing brother-in-law, Austin. Aaron had also been conspicuously absent as well. Matt was not too surprised. His father-in-law was very vocal about his opinion of same sex relationships. Frankly, he was glad Austin had disappeared. It gave him an excuse to get out of the house and away from those people. How could he have agreed to marry Ariel all those years ago? Sure, she had been pregnant, but that wasn’t a reason to marry. He didn’t love her. He didn’t even like her. They hadn’t been intimate since Tristan was conceived. Matt couldn’t even muster any interest in her. The only person he met who excited him was Aaron. Just thinking about him, was enough to make Matt as hard as a rock. He shifted uneasily in his seat.

   As if his thoughts had conjured him, Matt spotted Aaron in a nearby parking lot. Aaron crossed the lot and entered the nearby club. Matt pulled into the lot and got out of the car. He had never been in this part of town and didn’t know the club. Still, what could Aaron be doing here? He’d never struck Matt as the clubbing type. Matt walked over the door and entered club. A bouncer moved to block his path. A brief discussion, the handing over of a few bits of paper and Matt was able to enter the club.
   It was very dark inside, so Matt paused near the entrance to let his eyes adjust. When they did, he almost turned around and walked out of the club. He had no idea why Aaron was visiting a strip club, a male strip club. Matt flushed as the naked dancer on stage finished his routine.
   “Hey, buddy, you need to move along,” a voice said in his ear.
   He jumped and looked at the speaker. It was a nearly naked man. “Oh, um, I’m sorry.”
   “You’re blocking the entrance.” He smiled at Matt. “Would you like a table near the stage or the bar? Perhaps you’re meeting someone here?”
   “Why would I meet someone here?”
   The man took his elbow and guided him toward the bar. “Our establishment has several rooms upstairs that are available for private parties, where a wider variety of services are offered.”
   Matt thought his face couldn’t get any redder. “N-no. I’m not meeting someone.”
   “Did you want some companionship?” The man lightly brushed his hand against Matt’s groin.
   He shook his head, unable to speak. The man backed off and gestured to the barkeeper. “What would you like to drink?”
   “Don’t you have to get to work?”
   “I am working. My job is to entertain the customers. In whatever manner they desire.”
   “I’m not looking for that.”
   “Then what are you looking for?”
   “My brother-in-law came in here.”
   “Ooh, kinky.”
   “It’s not like that,” Matt insisted, blushing.
    “If you say so,” the man replied skeptically. “The establishment protects the identities of our customers. However I can show you around the public areas.”
   “Th-thank you. That’s very kind.”

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