Monday, October 1, 2012

Chapter 83

   Aaron followed his sister and brother-in-law into the meeting hall. There were several purples standing around talking, but no one he recognized.
   He sat there during the meeting. Not only was this group against mixed couples, they opposed same sex couples and advocated “fixing” herms by removing their male genitalia. These people honestly thought that the operation should be mandatory for all herms regardless of age. Aaron had had several discussions with Dr. Walters on the topic. He knew that after the age of five the operation should only be performed on a consenting adult after consultation with a practicing psychiatrist. He crossed his legs nervously upon hearing the argument for mandatory surgery.
   The woman sitting next to him smiled reassuringly at him. “Don’t worry,” she whispered, “it really is the most humane thing to do for such freaks.”
   He gave her a weak smile in return. He looked at his watch and wondered just how much longer this meeting would take. The people around him began to stand up.
   “Is it over?”
   “No, of course not. We’re just taking a break.”
   Aaron slipped out of the building. He leaned against the wall and took several deep breaths. I will not throw up. I will not throw up. He firmly commanded his stomach. His worst nightmare had come true. His sister was exactly like their father. She could never be a part of his life. All it would take would be one slip up and she and her friends would turn on him.
   He opened his eyes. There was a nearby bar. He stumbled over and entered. The bartender smiled at him as he sat down. “What’ll you have?”
   “The strongest thing you’ve and keep them coming.”
   “You’re not planning on driving home are you?”
   Aaron shook his head. “No. A friend insisted I attend the meeting across the street.”
   “Them,” the bartender spat. “A bunch of fanatics.”
   “I take it you don’t share their beliefs?” Aaron asked drily.
   The bartender hesitated. “I just don’t think it’s anybody’s business what or who I do in the privacy of my bedroom. Personally I would never be with someone of another color, but I don’t feel I have the right to forbid someone else from doing it if that’s what they want to do.”
   Aaron drained the glass in front of him and gestured for another. “How would you feel if your brother was sleeping with someone of another color?”
   “I don’t know, but I’d like to think I’d be supportive. As long as he was happy.”
   “You are a lot more open-minded then some others in this town.” He drained another glass. Aaron lost track of the number of drinks he consumed. No matter how much alcohol he drank, his sister’s enthusiastic speech supporting the PPP rang in his mind.


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