Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chapter 108

   Onyx looked at Ice curiously as he exited the bathroom. “You seem to be in a better mood.”
   Ice laughed softly and kissed his lover. “I am. Renfrews is a brave man. I understand what Aaron sees in him now.”
  “Really. How many men do you know who would enter a room with an angry vampire in it?”
   “Not many. I know I’m not that brave.”
   Ice laughed again. “You’re brave enough. Now shall we proceed with the evening’s activities?”
   Onyx rolled his eyes. “Only the ones that are not R-rated.”
   “Do you really want to give that woman ammunition by having sex here?” Onyx regretted the question as soon as it left his mouth. While Ice wasn’t as adventurous as Blade, he was more than willing to take up a challenge like that if it suited him. The mischievous glint in the vampire’s eye said that it suited him just fine right now.
   “Alas, I must decline your offer, mortal.”
   “Backing down from a challenge?”
   The vampire moved off down the hallway. Onyx followed him, waiting for an answer. Finally Ice surrendered, “Not because of her, but because my children would never forgive me if I humiliated them at school.”
   Onyx couldn’t help laughing at that. “The big, brave vampire terrified of a pack of adolescents? Now I know I’ve seen everything.”
   Ice glared at him, but Onyx’s laughter was contagious and he let his lips creep up into a smile. “If I can remember how nasty teenagers can be, surely you can. Unless you’re becoming senile at the advanced age of thirty-eight.”
   “Beast.” Onyx punched the other lightly. Ice captured his hand and kissed it before leaving. Onyx hoped that Ice would behave himself for the rest of the night. Vampires simply could not be trusted to conform to human norms if it amused them to do otherwise. He’d asked Blade about it once. The answer was enlightening. Boredom was the primary reason vampires tormented humans. It took a very strong character to not go off the deep end after a few centuries. That was the reason the Council had veto power over the creation of new vampires. Onyx privately suspected that the one of the reasons the Council had approved Blade moving in was so the older vampire could keep an eye on Ice and deal with him if necessary. Onyx pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind and concentrated on what the teachers were saying about Blake, Boyd, Brandon and Bianca.


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