Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chapter 92


   Aaron led Blade into his garden. He didn’t know how he was going to explain the situation. Blade may have forgiven him, but he wasn’t sure if Ice and Onyx would.
   They sat down on the grass. Aaron idly ran his hands through the blades of grass, trying to compose his thoughts.
   “A few months ago, I ran into someone from my past. From before I met Ice. It was my younger sister. She had been told that I was dead. As far as my father was concerned I was dead. She brought me home to meet her husband and children.”
   “I see. How did that go?”
   “Her husband hates me. My nieces tolerate me. My nephews adore me, but they’re too young to know any better. The next time I saw my sister, she dragged me to a meeting. It was a meeting of the PPP. My sister and her husband are the leaders of this chapter. They’re the ones who have been harassing Ice.”
   Blade blinked. “No wonder you didn’t want to tell him. I can’t imagine how conflicted you must have felt.”
    “Yes. I wanted to get to know my sister, but she is strongly opposed to everything I am. I don’t think she would understand or forgive. My father didn’t. Anyway after the first meeting, I was so upset I went to a bar. I got drunk and went home with someone from the meeting. We had sex.”
   “And got pregnant.”
   “Yes. In order to deceive my sister, I asked the woman to pose as my girlfriend in public. The woman knows I’m pregnant. She told me that I had to be her boyfriend in all ways or she would tell my sister. My ‘girlfriend’ thinks that the father is a married man. Someone who is in the closet. Someone who could be harmed if it got out that he was having an affair with a man.”
   Aaron sat there silently waiting for Blade to comment. “You have to tell Ice and Aaron.”
   “Okay, but not right now.”
   “Why not?”
    “I think I’m going into labor.”
   Blade hustled Aaron into the house, where he gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Benjamin.
   After he gave birth, he reluctantly told Ice and Onyx about his affair. Ice was furious and refused to have anything to do with him.
   A month later, his mistress gave birth to a son, John.


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