Blade reached into his
pocket and pulled out the envelope. He slipped it into the mailbox. He knew
that Onyx always checked the mail first thing in the morning, so Aaron would
receive it then. Now Blade only had to wait to see if Aaron mentioned it to them.
The next morning Onyx
handed the incriminating letter to Aaron. He glanced at it and went pale. Aaron
excused himself from the room. Blade followed him.
“Bad news?” he
“Um, no not really.
It’s nothing important.” Aaron replied somewhat guiltily.
“Really? Because it
looks like it’s from a law firm. That hardly makes it ‘nothing important’. I
would think it would be very important. So what did those leeches have to say?”
Aaron laughed
uneasily, “That’s funny, a vampire calling someone else a leech. It doesn’t
concern you.” He tried to slip past the vampire.
Blade moved to block
him. “Aaron, you are a terrible liar. Even a human would be able to tell. So
what gives?”
stared at his feet. Blade gently raised his face so their eyes met. “Please
tell me what’s wrong?”
can’t,” he whispered.
not?” was the soft query.
Aaron licked his lips, “because I did something that I shouldn’t have and now I
have to deal with the consequences.”
you’re not going to tell me what the letter says?”
It’s none of your business.”
sighed. “I know what the letter says. I was hoping you would just tell me. Why
weren’t you going to tell us you fathered a child on a woman?”
shoved him angrily. “You read my mail! How could you invade my privacy? You had
no right!”
this whole mess with Ice and the PPP, I was concerned that you might have
become involved. Besides you’ve been lying, sneaking around and drinking. Those
are never good signs. Why didn’t you tell us as soon as you knew? As soon as
you cheated?”
I felt guilty for drinking, guilty for cheating. How could I tell you that?”
us that you’re human, that you make mistakes. Aaron, we love you. Yes, we would
have been hurt for awhile, but we would have gotten over it. Now, it will be
harder and take longer to forgive you
for lying and cheating.”
turned away from the vampire. Blade wrapped his arms around him. “I forgive
you. I just want an explanation.”
here. Someplace private. My garden.”
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