Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter 90

        Blade looked up from his game as Onyx walked out of the kitchen. “No luck?”
        “No.” Onyx flopped on the couch beside him. “I wish I knew what was bothering him. I know he’s been drinking. He hides it, but I know that’s what he’s doing when he’s staying out late. I just wish I knew why.”
        Blade understood his frustration. Aaron was keeping secrets. The drinking was only a symptom. He could smell the alcohol when the human came home. He wondered who Aaron was sleeping with. The human would come home smelling of fresh soap, but underneath that was the lingering trace of sex. Confronting Aaron would only lead to a fight. This close to Aaron’s due date, Blade was reluctant to push the issue. He shifted on the couch. The envelope in his pocket crinkled. He wouldn’t get an opportunity to read it in private until work tomorrow.
        The next day at work, he pulled out the envelope. The return address was some law firm. He refused to feel guilty about reading Aaron’s private mail as he steamed the letter open. He cursed softly as he read the contents of the letter. He carefully resealed the envelope and placed it on his desk. He drummed his fingers on the desk. This information could not wait, but he dared not confront Aaron about it now. “Damn that human.”
        “Is there a problem, Dr. Dickson?” A passing nurse asked.
        “No. Why do you ask?”
        “Well, the finger impressions in your desk that weren’t there earlier seem to be a pretty good indication.”
        Blade felt his face heat up as he realized that he had been gripping the edge of the desk hard enough to bend the metal. “Did you want something?”
        “Yes, one of your patients came in. She’s dilated about five centimeters.”
        “Which one?”
        “Mrs. Renfrews.”
        He cursed softly. He was the best OB/GYN in the city and she had wanted the best. Every time she came in for a check-up, he had felt a burning urge to kill her. Her attitude toward non-purples was condescending at best. Only the fact that there weren’t any purple doctors kept her coming back.
        “I’m fine. I’ll be there shortly.” He picked the letter up and slipped it into his pocket. Aaron would have a lot of explaining to do, but for now there was a baby to deliver.



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