Monday, October 15, 2012

Chapter 96

   Matt watched his in-laws come into the backyard. Aaron, standing beside him, was incredibly tense. Nothing good could come of this meeting. His eyes widened as he caught sight of his brother-in-law, Austin. Austin was visibly pregnant. Aaron made a strangled sound in his throat.
   “What’s wrong?”
   “Nothing. I just find the situation incredibly ironic.”
   Aaron flicked his hand dismissively. “It’s not important.”
   Ariel rushed up. “Aaron, isn’t it great? Our parents came all this way to be here.” She frowned. “I don’t know what Austin’s been doing. How could he be pregnant?"
   “I think the question is ‘Who has Austin been doing?’” Aaron said, drily. “It’s obvious what he’s been doing.” He moved forward. “Congratulations, Austin. When’s the wedding?”
   The boy looked startled. “What wedding?"
   Aaron widened his eyes. “You mean you’re not engaged?!  I can’t believe our parents would approve of their son bearing a child out of wedlock. I’m surprised that they didn’t insist on it.”
   “Aaron! How could our parents approve of Austin’s condition?” Ariel gasped out. “It’s completely humiliating having a pregnant brother. I don’t know how we’re going to cover this up.”
   “Why should you cover it up? There’s nothing wrong with it. Plenty of herms get pregnant every year. Why shouldn’t he?”
   “Because herms are unnatural creatures,” Aaron’s father growled. “They should be allowed to parade their perverse behavior where everyone can see it. If I had my way, all herms would be castrated at birth."
   “Really.” Aaron narrowed his eyes. “How very…enlightened. Why didn’t you have it done when he was born if you feel that way?"
   Matt hastily interrupted what was turning into a nasty argument. “It’s great to see you Mr. and Mrs. Aaeng. You must be thrilled to finally meet your youngest grandsons.”
   “Yes, we are Matthew.” Mrs. Aaeng smiled at him.
   “Ariel tells us that one of those children is yours.” Mr. Aaeng addressed Aaron.
   “That is correct,” was the flat response.
   “So you’ve come to your senses and married a woman.”
   “No. We’re not married. I have no plans to marry her, ever.
   “You don’t care that your son is a bastard? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at your attitude. You’ve obviously become corrupted during your time here.”

   “Yes, Father, I’ve become corrupted living in the big city. Being exposed to new ideas all the time. I’ve learned how to think for myself. Now if you don’t mind, I seem to have lost my appetite. Matt, I’m afraid I have to leave now. I just realized I have other plans. Goodbye.”
   Matt watched as Aaron stalked off. He understood why Aaron left. He would leave if he could. The past few years living in the city had made him question everything he’d ever known and believed.


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