Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chapter 93

   Aaron drove over to see his new son. His lovers had been adamant; Aaron was to break it off with this woman. Naturally, Aaron would support the child financially. Aaron was not looking forward to the conversation.
   “Aaron, hi, come in. Come greet your son,” Maricela invited.
   “Thanks. I can’t stay long. I just came over to tell you that it’s over between us. I can’t see you anymore.”
   “You’re breaking up with me?! You can’t do that. You wouldn’t want your sister to know about your love life, would you?”
   Aaron held out a document. “This is a child support agreement. In exchange for a more than generous payment, you will agree not to reveal that information to anyone. If you do, your support will cease.”
   She snatched it out of his hands. “You have no right to blackmail me.”
   “And you do?” He shrugged, “Have your lawyers look over it and get back to me.”
   “Your sister is busy planning our wedding you know.”
   Aaron winced. “Yes, I know. I keep telling her I’m not marrying you, she just won’t listen.”
   “I’ll sign your stupid document. But I want full custody with no visitation rights for you.”
   “Agreed. That clause has already been included on page 3.”
   She rifled through the pages to find it. “You don’t want to be a part of your child’s life?”
   “I think it would be hard to explain my life to a child. Especially one who has been raised with certain beliefs. Tell it whatever you want about me.”
   “Ariel will want to be a part of his life.”
   “That is between the two of you.”
   She signed the papers and handed them back to him. “I’ll miss you, Aaron. You were the best boyfriend I’ve had.”
   “Really? I cheated on you with a man. I’ve made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with you repeatedly. If that’s the best, I would hate to see the worst.”
   “You’ve always been honest with me. When we were together, you were always kind and considerate. Your boyfriend is a very lucky man. I hope he knows that.”
   Aaron smiled. “He does. Goodbye, Maricela, and good luck.”
   He walked out of her home and out of her life. He hoped that she wouldn’t teach his son to hate him.


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