Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chapter 84

   Aaron woke in the morning to a throbbing head. He was curled around someone. His hand wandered over his lover’s chest. He frowned puzzled as it met the juncture of the legs. There was something missing. He ran his hand upward and encountered two large soft mounds in the middle of the chest. He sat up and stared down at the woman confused.
   She rolled over and smiled up at him. It was the woman from the meeting. “Morning, love.” Her hand stroked his thigh.
   He shoved her away and scrambled out of bed. “How did I get here?”
   She smiled lazily. “I brought you here. You were rather intoxicated.”
   “I told the bartender to call a cab.”
   “I told him that you were my boyfriend and that I would take you back to my place.”
   “I’m not your boyfriend. I don’t even know your name.”
   “It’s Maricela Shepherd, lover.”
   “Don’t call me that. In fact don’t call me ever.” Aaron spotted his clothes lying on the floor.
   He hastily dressed and began the walk home. He had no idea where he was, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting away from her.


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