Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chapter 95

   Matt stood there flipping burgers while the children played with their uncle.
   “I think this party is nice, don’t you?” His wife asked.
   “I’m glad Aaron is getting along with Maricela. When do you think they’ll get married?”
   He sighed and shook his head. “The twelfth of never. He’s not interested in her.”
   “She’s perfect for him.”
   “Ari, I know you want your best friend to be happily married to your brother, but what they have now works for them. Leave it alone. Please stop matchmaking.”
   “Fine.” At that moment the doorbell rang. “Oh, good, my surprise guests have come.”
   “What surprise guests?”
   “I invited my parents and younger brother over. I think it would be great if they could patch up their differences with him, don’t you?”
   Matt cursed as she went to answer the door. He had gotten to know Aaron a little better over the past two years. Based on those conversations, he figured it would be a cold day in hell before Aaron reconciled with his parents.
   “Are those almost done? I’m starving.”
   “Sure.” He handed the plate to Aaron.
   “Who’s at the door? I didn’t think there were any other guests invited.”
   Matt stared at the grill. He was completely focused on cleaning off the bits of meat.
   “Matt, stop avoiding the question.”
   “I’m not avoiding the question.”
   “Ri-ight. Because you’re such a neat freak that you must devote all your concentration to making sure that the grill is clean. Tell me another one.”
   “It’s your parents. Ariel invited them.”
   Matt stared at Aaron. He was impressed by the stream of invective flowing from those lips. He didn’t understand most of it. “I didn’t know you spoke so many different languages.”
   Aaron laughed bitterly, “I don’t. I just know how to cuss in them.”
   Matt blinked. “Who taught you that but nothing else?”
   “A friend with a large vocabulary. He actually speaks most of them fluently. However the words he uses most frequently are curse words. It’s really quite impressive.”
   “I know I’m impressed.”

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