Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chapter 108

   Onyx looked at Ice curiously as he exited the bathroom. “You seem to be in a better mood.”
   Ice laughed softly and kissed his lover. “I am. Renfrews is a brave man. I understand what Aaron sees in him now.”
  “Really. How many men do you know who would enter a room with an angry vampire in it?”
   “Not many. I know I’m not that brave.”
   Ice laughed again. “You’re brave enough. Now shall we proceed with the evening’s activities?”
   Onyx rolled his eyes. “Only the ones that are not R-rated.”
   “Do you really want to give that woman ammunition by having sex here?” Onyx regretted the question as soon as it left his mouth. While Ice wasn’t as adventurous as Blade, he was more than willing to take up a challenge like that if it suited him. The mischievous glint in the vampire’s eye said that it suited him just fine right now.
   “Alas, I must decline your offer, mortal.”
   “Backing down from a challenge?”
   The vampire moved off down the hallway. Onyx followed him, waiting for an answer. Finally Ice surrendered, “Not because of her, but because my children would never forgive me if I humiliated them at school.”
   Onyx couldn’t help laughing at that. “The big, brave vampire terrified of a pack of adolescents? Now I know I’ve seen everything.”
   Ice glared at him, but Onyx’s laughter was contagious and he let his lips creep up into a smile. “If I can remember how nasty teenagers can be, surely you can. Unless you’re becoming senile at the advanced age of thirty-eight.”
   “Beast.” Onyx punched the other lightly. Ice captured his hand and kissed it before leaving. Onyx hoped that Ice would behave himself for the rest of the night. Vampires simply could not be trusted to conform to human norms if it amused them to do otherwise. He’d asked Blade about it once. The answer was enlightening. Boredom was the primary reason vampires tormented humans. It took a very strong character to not go off the deep end after a few centuries. That was the reason the Council had veto power over the creation of new vampires. Onyx privately suspected that the one of the reasons the Council had approved Blade moving in was so the older vampire could keep an eye on Ice and deal with him if necessary. Onyx pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind and concentrated on what the teachers were saying about Blake, Boyd, Brandon and Bianca.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chapter 107

   Matt walked into the school and headed for the nearest bathroom. Unfortunately, there was a crowd of people standing around it. He recognized several as them as Ice King’s children and lover. The man’s lover was leaning against the wall blocking the entrance.
   “You don’t want to go in there right now,” the man warned as Matt approached the door.
   “Does he do this a lot?” Matt asked.
   The man looked at the teens, “Am-sray, kids.” He waited while the children moved out of earshot. “No, but your wife has a gift for pissing him off. It’s better to let him cool down.”
   “How do you do it? Deal with that temper?”
   The other man smiled slightly. “He rarely directs it at me. Your wife is an idiot.”
   Matt winced, but couldn’t really disagree with that assessment. Ice King terrified him. “I really need to use the bathroom before I disgrace myself.”
   The man shrugged and moved out of the way, “It’s your funeral, Renfrew.”
   Matt pushed open the door and walked into the room. It was like walking into a freezer. A thin layer of frost covered every surface. The author was leaning against the far wall with his back to the door.
  “Get out,” he growled.
Matt took a deep breath before answering, “I need to use the facilities.”
He turned and walked over to the urinals. The last thing he wanted to do was expose his tender bits to the freezing air, but he reached for his zipper anyway. He cursed and pulled back his hand. A quick examination revealed that he hadn’t lost any skin. A chuckle behind him caused him to tense up. Without any warning, there was a warm breath on the back of his neck.
   “Don’t you know how dangerous it is to expose one’s self when it’s this cold?” A soft voice whispered in his ear.
   “I didn’t know it was that cold. How can it be this cold inside?”
   The temperature dropped and then began to rise. “Magic, of course. Do you believe in magic, Renfrew?”
   Matt fidgeted. The sound of dripping water was making emptying his bladder imperative.
“Go ahead, your hands won’t stick this time.”
   “Aren’t you going to move?” Matt was very aware of the man standing behind him. His growing awareness warred with another basic need.
   “No. You were brave enough to come in here. Surely you’re brave enough to urinate while I watch?”
   He flushed at the amusement in the other’s voice. “Does that turn you on? Watching other men piss?”
   “Not really. I find the whole process rather disgusting.”
   “Then why watch?”
   Matt shivered as the other man ran a finger over the nape of his neck. “To watch you squirm of course.”
   Matt drove his elbow back intending to hit the other’s stomach. But he slipped on the slick floor and missed. The other man caught him before he hit his head. Matt stared into King’s pale eyes. “Please leave while I piss,” he whispered his mouth dry.
   “Perhaps I should stay and make sure you don’t injure yourself.”
   “That won’t be necessary.” King easily lifted him up and supported him while he found his footing. Matt watched to make sure the other man left before tending to his need.
   When he exited the bathroom, the hallway was empty. Matt rushed to find his daughter’s classrooms.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapter 106

   Matt pulled the box out of his pocket for the umpteenth time. He stared at it before shoving it back in. He didn’t want his suspicions to be true. As long as he didn’t take the test, he could pretend that everything was fine. He could pretend that “That Night” had never happened. That night had changed everything. Ignorance was truly bliss. He’d driven by the club a dozen times since then, intending to go in and talk to the blue sim. He’d chickened out a dozen times and driven home. Aaron had been avoiding him, but Matt wasn’t too surprised. Aaron was doing everything he could to avoid spending time with his parents. Matt now knew why Aaron hated his parents. The Aaengs weren’t shy about voicing their opinions of same sex relationships and mixed color relationships. Matt had had to bite his tongue several times in the past month to avoid blurting Aaron’s secret, his secret. A knock on the bathroom door, reminded him that he was supposed to be getting ready to go out, not daydreaming.
   He straightened his shirt and walked out of the bathroom. It was Parents’ Night at the high school where their older daughter, Meghan, went to school. She was a freshman this year and couldn’t wait to go to her first school dance. Matt hated going to dances when he was that age. It was just another reminder that he was…different.
   Matt barely looked at his wife as they left the house. He hoped he’d be able to find another excuse not to have sex with her. Granted, their sexual encounters had always been infrequent, but he hadn’t touched her since That Night. The one time he’d tried, he’d been unable to perform.
   Matt pulled into the parking lot and abruptly stopped the car.
   “Matthew, what was that for?” Ariel complained.
  He ignored her, getting out. She was always complaining about his behavior. It had merely gotten worse since moving.
   “Honestly, you should watch where you’re driving!”
   He made a noncommittal grunt.
   “What is he doing here?” she screeched, outraged.
   Matt turned to look in that direction. The author, Ice King, was getting out of a nearby car. The man turned to look at them. Matt desperately wished the ground would swallow him up. The last thing he wanted was a scene at Meghan’s school. Ariel stalked over to Mr. King.
   “How dare you show your face at this school! You can’t find enough victims at the bookstore; you have to come peddle your filth here?” She yelled.
   One of the teens getting out of the car behind him snickered.
   Matt hurried over. “Ariel, come on. This isn’t the time or the place for this.” He tried to steer her away from the car and its occupants. He caught a glimpse of Meghan pretending that she wasn’t with the insane woman. Matt wished he could join her.
   “NO! I will not leave him alone! He has no right to be here!” Ariel insisted.
   “Madam, I have as much right to be here as you do,” Mr. King replied quietly. “Like you, I have children enrolled here.”
   “You have children? I should call Child Services to have them taken away. Who knows what kind of depraved behavior they’ve been exposed to growing up. I pray it’s not too late to save them.”
   Matt shivered as the temperature suddenly dropped. King’s children edged warily away from him.
   “Ice,” his lover called softly, “let it go.” The man flinched as King turned his glacial gaze on him, but met his eyes. Matt wanted to run away screaming. The man standing in front of him was the most dangerous person he’d met. Instinct warned him that running would be a bad idea. A very bad idea.
   King turned back to Ariel. “You are a foolish woman.” He deliberately turned his back on her and glided off to the school entrance. Without that chilly stare directed at him, Matt was surprised to find that his pants were still dry. He’d never been so terrified in his life. A look at his wife told him that she hadn’t even noticed the author’s change in demeanor. She was still muttering about his depravity and how he shouldn’t be allowed near children.
   Matt swallowed. “Let’s go in, Ariel.” He was proud that his voice didn’t tremble. He knew his wife would never understand his reaction to the other man.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chapter 105

   Aaron took a deep breath as he got out of the car. “Time to face the music.” Blade grabbed his hand and together they walked into their living room.
   Ice was working on the computer when they entered. Aaron didn’t even register that fact before Ice was in his face.
   “Where have you been? What have you been doing?” Ice demanded. Aaron glanced at Blade for an answer.
   “Now, Ice, you know we went to the club. As for the other, I should think you would know what we’ve been doing. Unless you want to know who we’ve been doing?” Blade skillfully intercepted the younger vampire, leading him off.

   Ice shook him off. “I can smell he’s been close to two other men. One of whom I’ve smelled before. He doesn’t need you leading him into depravity.”
   “Oh, Ice. I could never lead Aaron into depravity. He’s way too good. We ran into his brother-in-law at the club.” Blade explained amused at Ice’s jealousy.
   “His brother-in-law? The one with the PPP? What was he doing there?” Ice asked confused.
   “Having sex with us.”
   “You’re kidding! You didn’t ‘persuade’ him did you?” Ice eyed the other with suspicion.
   “Why does everyone think the only way I can get someone in my bed is by ‘persuading’ them?” Blade asked, looking up at the ceiling.
   “I have no idea. Who are we talking about?” Onyx wanted to know as he entered the room. He absently wiped his wet hands on his jeans.
   Aaron sighed, “Blade and I ran into Matt at the club. We had sex with him and one of the employees.”
   “Really? Huh. I know he’s not happily married, but I never considered that that was the reason.”
   “Yeah. He likes guys. He likes me,” Aaron replied.
   “Do you like him?”
   “I find him attractive.”
   “Yes but do you like him?” Onyx persisted. Blade had dragged Ice off for a private conversation so it was just the two of them. Onyx led Aaron to his bedroom.
   They cuddled together on the bed. Lying there in his lover’s arms, he thought about his feelings toward Matt. Lust was there, but sometime over the past few years friendship had developed. That friendship could easily turn to love. Aaron loved Ice, Onyx and Blade, could he really love another?
   “I don’t know, Onyx. I just don’t know. I know that if I fell in love with someone else, he’d have to be willing to fit into my current lifestyle and with my current lovers. I won’t give up the three of you for him, but I’m not sure if I’m willing to give him up.”
   “Okay. You need to decide what you want to do and he needs to decide what he wants to do and then we’ll see.”
   “How do you feel about another person?”
   Onyx shrugged. “I’d have to get to know him better. Blade won’t care. It’s Ice that will be the problem. He really doesn’t like sharing. Considering Matt’s opinion of Ice’s writing…”



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter 104

    Aaron was silent as Blade drove them home from the club. He was confused about what had happened. He wondered if Blade had used vampire wiles to persuade him to have sex with his brother-in-law. He shifted in his seat.
   “Are you okay?”
   “Sure. I just wish I knew what happened last night.”
   “How many children do you have? Surely you know by now what happened?” Blade laughed.
   “That’s not what I meant, fang face, and you know it. I don’t know why I had sex with Matt.”
   “Can you honestly tell me you’ve never thought about it before?”
   “Can’t you give me a straight answer?”
   “You’re avoiding the question, Aaron. I know I’m a slut and I don’t care. Vampires aren’t real big on monogamy. You, however, are. There’s no way I could have ‘convinced’ you to do anything you didn’t want to do. So…”
   “Fine. I’m attracted to him,” Aaron shot back nettled at the vampire. He hadn’t wanted to admit that he was attracted to Matt. There were certain unspoken rules and one of them was: ‘Thou shalt not lust after your sibling’s spouse.’ “Sorry, Blade. I just feel guilty about it. I cheated on Ice and Onyx, I had sex with a married man, I had sex with my sister’s husband. Anyone of those is reason enough to feel guilty.”
   Blade sighed, “I don’t know what to tell you. I’ll talk to Ice. Onyx won’t care as much.”
   “How do you know?”
   The vampire concentrated on the road. “Because I’ve taken him there before and we’ve enjoyed the company of some of the professionals working there.”
   “You cheated?”
   “So why were you mad at me before?”
   “I don’t care about the sex. I was mad because you lied about it and you were drinking again.”
   Aaron let the conversation drop. There was nothing he could say to defend his earlier actions. He’d cheated and had a child with another woman. Ice still hadn’t completely forgiven him for that and now Aaron had cheated again.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chapter 103

    Matt woke up alone the next morning. The previous night was imprinted firmly on his mind and his body. He felt stiff and sore. None of the men had been particularly gentle in light if his inexperience. He stretched and smiled. No matter how he felt this morning, last night had been wonderful. Now he just had to figure out what to tell his wife. He and Aaron had to cope with the repercussions of admitting their attraction to each other.
   Matt slowly got dressed and drove home. The only people he saw were employees cleaning up. They studiously ignored him as he exited the club. People slipping out in the early morning hours was probably a familiar sight. Luckily, Matt didn’t see anyone he knew. He could just picture what the papers would say about the leader of the PPP leaving a men’s strip club in the morning.
   When he got home, nobody was up yet. He darted into the shower before getting ready for work. Another boring day at a boring job. He winced as the hot water got into scratches on his back. He had no memory of being scratched and he had no idea who might have done it.
   A quick look in the mirror convinced him that none of his injuries were serious enough to need bandages. It was just a little missing skin, no blood.
   At breakfast, no one asked him about his whereabouts the previous evening. He realized that his wife simply hadn’t noticed that he was gone all night. Matt usually went to bed late and got up early as a way to avoid having sex with her. He listened to the children chatter about their plans for the day. He wished he was a child again with nothing more important to worry about than grades and who got picked first for kickball.
   A glance at the calendar before he left reminded him that the next PPP meeting was that upcoming weekend. He would see Aaron again. His body tightened with desire as he thought about it. He firmly repressed his lust with the ease of long practice and went off to work.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chapter 102

    “No. He didn’t force me. I wanted to be touched. He was there and willing.” Matt stared at his hands. “I wanted to know what it would feel like to be touched. Ariel has never touched me like that. She doesn’t like touching me at all.”
   A hand lifted his chin up. He stared into Dr. Dickson’s aqua eyes. His own widened when the man moved forward and brushed his lips against Matt’s. Matt opened his mouth, accepting the other’s touch. His body reacted to the other man’s gentle kiss. Even knowing that there was audience didn’t stop him from clinging to Dr. Dickson. Matt opened his eyes as the other man pulled away.
   “Well, there is no doubt where your preferences lie.”
  “Why did you kiss me?”
   “I wanted to. I wanted to see how you would react.”
   “I wish you hadn’t stopped.”
   The other man smiled and knelt in front of Matt. His fingers freed Matt’s erection from its confines. Matt didn’t protest as he was stripped. He was so hard, so ready. He wasn’t sure he could wait. This was all he had dreamed of. It was better than his dreams. He gasped as his penis was engulfed in the other’s mouth. He had been taught that only whores and sluts indulged in oral sex. Obviously his teachers were wrong.
   The stranger sat next to him. He leaned over and kissed Matt. Aaron began nibbling on his neck. This time Matt’s release was even better than the first time.
   “Wow. That was wow.”
   “I’m glad you liked it.”
   “Are you going to have sex with me?”
   “Do you want us to?”
   Matt thought about that statement. Did he want to have sex with three men at once? “Yes.”
   “Very well.”
   Matt watched as the other men undressed. He was nervous and excited. He would finally be with Aaron.
   “Who do you want to be first?”
   “Aaron. I want Aaron to be first.”
   His brother-in-law smiled and kissed him. Matt kissed him back. He was eased on to the floor. Matt willingly spread his legs and reached between them to guide Aaron inside. He moaned as he felt Aaron push inside.
   “Oh, watcher, you’re so tight.”
   “Just do it, Aaron, please.”
   Aaron thrust inside. Matt met his every thrust. All too soon it was over.
   Aaron rolled off him to be replaced by Dr. Dickson.
   “Are you sure you want this?”
   “I’m sure.”
   Matt couldn’t believe he was having sex with another colored sim. He reveled in it. Finally, he was doing what he wanted to do.
   When the doctor was through, Matt reached for the stranger. The stranger smiled and pulled Matt on top of him. Matt awkwardly straddled him. Aaron moved against him and helped him guide the stranger inside. He could feel Aaron’s erection against his backside. When Aaron would have pulled away, Matt said “Don’t. Stay.” He loved the feel of Aaron thrusting against his backside. The rush of warm liquid across his back triggered his own release.
   He lay there intertwined with the two of them, sated and exhausted. Dr. Dickson lay on Aaron’s other side. Matt drifted off to sleep, content for the first time in his life.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapter 101

   Aaron leaned against Blade, sated. A sound behind him drew his attention. He twisted around searching for the source. A movement in the shadows was revealed to be his brother-in-law, Matt. Matt was standing there with is pants around his ankles and another man’s hands around his limp penis. Liquid dripped down his legs. Their eyes met and Matt turned away, fumbling at his clothing.
   Aaron got up and walked over to the other man.
   “What are you doing here, Matt?”
   “I, um, I saw you come in. I was curious so I followed you.”
   “You followed me in here? How much did you see?”
   “Everything. I saw everything. I saw you have sex with that man.”
   “Did that man force you to watch? Touch you against your will?” Blade asked, coming up behind them.
   Matt shook his head, refusing to look at any of them.
   “Get dressed, Aaron. I think perhaps we should move this discussion to a less public place.”
   Aaron complied and followed Blade and Matt to a private room. The stranger trailed them. The stranger poured drinks for the four of them.
   Matt sank down on the couch. Aaron sat beside him while Blade sat on the other side.
   “So, why exactly is the leader of the PPP visiting a strip club?” Blade asked idly.
   “You know who I am?” Matt countered startled.
   “Yes, of course I know who you are. I make it my business to know everything about the people who share my bed. I hate nasty surprises. Besides, if I could strangle your wife, I would cheerfully do so.”
   Matt took a good long look at the man sitting beside him. “You’re Dr. Dickson, my wife’s gynecologist.”
   “Yes I am.”
   “You’re sleeping with my brother-in-law.”
   “Yes I am.”
   Matt downed his drink in one swallow. “I think I need another drink. Aaron, how long has this been going on?”
   “With him? Or men in general?”
   “We’ve been together for six years now. I have two other lovers. I’ve been with one for twenty-one years and the other for eighteen. Both of them are male.”
   “Oh. Wow. No wonder you don’t want to marry Maricela.”
   “I got drunk one night. Wound up in her bed. She became pregnant. She does know about my preferences.”
   “So, anyway, why were you watching us?” Blade asked.
   “I didn’t know what else to do.” Matt licked his lips. “I’ve wanted Aaron for a long time. I didn’t think he would be receptive to my advances.”
    “I know,” was Aaron’s answer. “I didn’t do anything about it because I wasn’t sure how you would react. If you weren’t ready to admit that you wanted me, it would have caused problems.”
   Matt flushed. “You knew? It was that obvious?”
   “Not at first. I thought I was seeing things, but there were too many long, lingering looks.”
   “What would you have done if I had said something?”
   Aaron laughed softly, “I don’t know. I already have three lovers, I’m not sure I could handle another one. Besides you’re my brother-in-law. It would feel weird.”
   “So, he didn’t force you.” Blade gestured to the man leaning silently against the wall.