stared at the man sitting next to him on the couch. He was easily the most
gorgeous person Aaron had ever seen. His skin was so fair to nearly colorless.
His hair fell across his shoulders in long, snowy mane. His eyes were like
chips of ice or diamond. Aaron swallowed hard, his erection demanding his
attention. He closed his eyes, hiding from that intent gaze. “I’ll do whatever
you want, so long as I don’t have to go back to my parents,” he whispered.
His companion gave a low laugh that tightened things in his
belly. Aaron’s hand drifted across his lap and brushed against his penis. He
let out a soft moan and thrust upwards. Another hand, not his own, gently ran a
finger up the throbbing shaft.
“Please,” Aaron moaned as a wave desire consumed him, “please
touch me.”
“And just where should I touch you?” a soft voice inquired,
“Here,” running the finger up and down his shaft, “or here,” the finger moved
between Aaron’s legs and circled the opening to his vagina and then his anus.
“Or perhaps here,” Aaron cried out startled as the finger slid into his anus.
He tightened his muscles trapping the invading finger. “Or maybe here,” a
second finger slid into Aaron’s vagina.
“Yes, please, touch me everywhere. Just don’t stop,” Aaron
could barely form the words. He had never been touched like this before. He had
never even dared to dream that he would ever be touched like this. An
attractive, desirable man was fondling him, arousing him. Lips brushed his
stomach and he cried out as another wave of pleasure engulfed him. The lips
paused and pulled back along with the fingers. “Why did you stop?” Aaron
complained, opening his eyes to stare at the naked man kneeling between his
spread legs.
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