Friday, July 20, 2012

Chapter 1

               Ice moved out of the elevator leading to his subterranean home. The scent of blood lay heavy on the air. He stepped warily out into the open air all senses alert for whatever had tripped his alarms. Lying nearby on the ground was a person. As Ice approached he could see that the intruder was naked. A closer inspection proved that the trespasser was young and male. Even though Ice had excellent night vision, the boy’s skin, leached of color by the night, was too dark to determine if he had any bruises. Ice could smell blood and therefore knew that the boy was injured.

               Ice carefully ran his hands over the boy’s unconscious body searching for any broken bones or possible internal injuries. The boy moaned and thrust his pelvis upward, reacting to Ice’s gentle examination of his genital area. Ice shook his head and thrust down his answering response, concentrating on the fact that the boy was hurt.

                 His examination showing that there were no serious injuries, Ice picked the boy up and carried him downstairs and laid him gently down on a bed.

                The harsh white light and white bedspread made the boy’s purple skin stand out like a giant blemish. Ice went into the adjoining bathroom and filled a bowl with water so he could wash the blood and dirt away from the boy’s skin. His ministrations showed that the boy had been sodomized repeatedly with a blunt object. A closer looked revealed that the boy was actually a hermaphrodite. Ice sat back. Herms were rare and accounted for less than 1% of the population and tended to be either bisexual or homosexual. Ice remembered from the last time he had ventured into the outside world that individuals with such preferences were general persecuted often unto death. It was one of the reasons that Ice had withdrawn from the world. Ice smiled bitterly and ran his tongue lightly over the fangs that had slid out from his upper jaw. His stomach growled at the overpowering scent of blood while lower down other things were demanding his attention, reminding Ice how long it had been since he’d been intimate with anyone. Ice licked the blood of his fingers hoping to quiet the Hunger. Unfortunately, his fingers had become coated with other fluids during his examination of his guest.

                Ice stood up and carried the bowl full of bloody water into the bathroom. He leaned against the sink trying desperately to calm his Hunger and his lust. “I will not force myself on the boy. I will not!” he whispered to himself. He dumped out the water, stripped and stepped into his shower. Ice turned the cold water on full blast hoping that the chill would help. It didn’t. He stepped out of the shower as aroused as he had been when he entered the shower.

He glided over to the boy’s room and entered. A few steps took him to the side of the bed where he stood there staring down at his naked body. The boy moved slightly. The movement aroused Ice to the point of no return. He climbed onto the bed and parted the boy’s legs. Positioning himself at the entrance to the boy’s vagina, he whispered, “I’m sorry.” Ice thrust deeply into the unconscious body beneath him.

As he thrust his mouth found the boy’s jugular vein he sank his teeth into his neck.

The warm blood pouring down Ice’s throat made it impossible for him to stop and he thrust repeatedly until he spilled his seed deep into his involuntary guest’s womb. Ice rolled off of the body, thoroughly disgusted with himself. He got up, cleaned the boy off and took another shower.

                Ice dressed and went into the living room to work on his latest novel. Writing was a good way to earn money, especially in this time since he didn’t actually have to interact with anyone. He spent the rest of the night working on the outline of his next book and making revisions to his current book.

He stretched and went to check on his guest before retiring to his ‘special’ room for the day.

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