Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chapter 18

        Ice stretched his arms working out the kinks in his back from working on his latest novel. The past two years since his daughters’ births had passed far too quickly for his taste.

He rose from the desk and walked into the nursery to watch the girls playing together on the floor. They looked up and crawled over to him babbling happily. He knelt and hugged them. He had never thought that he would ever feel quite as happy as he did playing with his children. A glance at the clock showed him that it was still light out.

Aaron would be up top working in his garden. He had quickly become an expert gardener and enjoyed making nectar. In fact there was a new rack installed in their living area that was filled with Aaron’s efforts. Apparently the cool, constant temperatures underground helped the nectar age.

        “Hey, little one, why don’t we practice walking today?” Ice asked Bella. She looked up with her sweet little face and babbled at him. He took her hands in his and held her steady on her little legs. Her twin watched for a moment before crawling off to play. As Ice worked with his daughter, he offered up a prayer of relief that neither girl had shown signs of inheriting his…condition. Aaron still was unaware of the exact nature of Ice’s…condition and Ice had no intention of enlightening. As far as Aaron was concerned Ice suffered from photosensitivity and a form of anemia that required him to drink plasma juice daily.

        A footfall alerted Ice to Aaron’s presence. He looked up at his husband standing in the archway with a loving smile on his face.
Ice picked up Bella and walked over. “I trust your garden is doing well.”

        Aaron brushed a lock of hair back with dirt encrusted fingers. “Yes, the plants are growing well. I might be able to plant plasma fruit soon. Then I could make you wine from them.”

        “I would like that. I am glad you have found a hobby.”

        “It is not a hobby,” Aaron paused, “Ice, there is something I would like to discuss with you.”

        “Of course. You may discuss anything with me.”

        “I want another child. I want to have a son.”

        Ice tucked his daughter into her crib.

        “Dammit, Ice, don’t ignore me. The twins are two now. I’m an adult. I thought you liked having children. Stop shutting me down every time I bring up the subject.”

        “I do not shut you down. I do not think now is the time to discuss it. The girls still need us. I would like to wait until they are old enough to go to school before having another child.”

        “And when they go to school, you will want to wait until they are teens and then it will be postponed until they move out and by that time you will not want to have any more children because it is way too much hassle and then I will be too old and the point will be moot.” Aaron shook his head angrily, “No, I stopped taking my birth control and nothing you can do can make me take it again. If you don’t give me a child, I’ll find someone who will. The choice is yours.” He walked out of the nursery.

        Ice stood there staring at the little girl in her crib. “Ah, love, the more children I have the greater the chance of having one with my condition. How will you react when you find out that you’ve been bedding a monster?”

Barbara King

Bella King

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