Friday, July 20, 2012

Chapter 2

Aaron woke up confused. He was lying in a bed in a stranger room. The last thing he remembered was being beaten up and his father shoving a baseball bat repeatedly in his vagina and anus, screaming “Take that you filthy pervert.” He sat up wincing in pain as his bruised insides complained about the motion. He glanced around the room. The bed was white, the walls were white, and the floor was white. There were two doors leading out. The one at the foot of the bed led into a white bathroom with another door. Aaron tried the door but it was locked. He used the facilities and took a shower, hissing in pain as the warm water and soap hit his numerous scrapes. He glanced in the mirror and frowned as something unusual caught his eye. He leaned in closer and examined the area. On his neck were two neat puncture wounds. He rubbed them, confused as to how he had gotten them. Nothing he remembered happening explained these injuries. There wasn’t a towel or a change of clothing so hesitantly he walked out through the other door in the bedroom.

He found himself standing in a white hallway. The door to his right proved to be locked when he tried it. The hallway led into a white kitchen/living area with an elevator. An examination of the elevator revealed that he needed a key to operate it.
The fridge held only soup, ice cream, juice and bottle after bottle of a thick red liquid. The computer was password protected and Aaron gave up trying to access it.
Finally he sat down on the couch with a bowl of soup to watch TV until his mysterious host decided to join him.

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