Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chapter 19

        Aaron walked into his bedroom, his bedroom, not their bedroom. Even after three years of marriage, the second bedroom remained locked. Aaron ran his hand over the comforter, remembering all the times that Ice had taken him on it. He loved Ice more than anything in the world and even though Ice was rough at times he wouldn’t, couldn’t, refuse him. The ultimatum Aaron had issued weighed heavily in his mind. Ice was not the sort of man who enjoyed being dictated to, but Aaron wanted a son. He wanted a large loving family and had thought that Ice wanted one to.

        There was a knock on the door. “Come in, it’s open,” Aaron invited.

        Ice walked in and sat beside him. “I am sorry, Aaron. I did not realize you felt this strongly about having another child. You know I have a medical…condition. I did not want to risk having a child with my…condition, but if you want another child I will give you one.”

        Aaron looked at him. “You mean that?”

        Ice nodded, “Yes, I mean that.”

        Aaron smiled, “Good” and then pounced. He undid Ice’s pants and shoved them down around his knees before forcing Ice to his knees and bent over the bed. Aaron fumbled with his own jeans before freeing his erection. He took Ice forcibly. After he was finished, he pulled out and sat on the floor leaning against the bed.
        Ice slid down to the floor and looked at Aaron. “As fun as that was, it will not result in a child.”

        “I know. I just wanted to do that.”

        Ice gave a slow smile, reached for Aaron and said, “My turn.”

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