Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chapter 20

        Ice raised his head from the computer. The sense of power was stronger now. He knew that feeling, knew the one whose power was approaching. The one who had Made him had come to see him. A fainter wisp of power let him know that she was not alone. Ice cursed softly under his breath. He did not wish to deal with her latest “pet.” He did not if the stranger was food or child and he did not care. She and her companion were not welcome. He stood up from his computer and ascended to the surface to greet his visitors.

        “What are you doing here, Snow?” He asked, “I thought I told you to leave me alone.”

        The woman smiled, “Such discourtesy, my child. I thought I taught you better. I have brought you a present.”

        “I want nothing from you except to be left alone.”

        “See this boy? He is for you.”

        “For me? What does that mean?”

        “You will get him with child. A child that he and I will raise together.”

        Ice raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why should I do that? Why don’t you bear his child? Ah, yes,” Ice mocked, “That would require you to actually love him and a selfish witch like you is incapable of that deep emotion.” He made a dismissive gesture. “You have other children. You do not need me.”

        “You are still my child and I order you to father a child on him,” Snow replied coldly. “Your wishes or his for that matter are unimportant.”

        Ice turned away and said harshly, “I have no desire to take your leftovers.”

        “I know. He is beautiful, is he not? I have restrained myself from even tasting his blood. You are the best of my children. The only one worthy of the honor I do you.”

        “No. I have a mate. I have children. I will not lie with another. I will not hurt my spouse like that.”

        “Have you forgotten what we are? Your spouse will not know or care what you do.”

        “I will not.”

        “You will, child. I know you. I Made you and because I Made you I command you to have sex with your approved bride.”

        Ice fought her power, but she was too old, too strong and he was unable to resist. He took the stranger’s hand and led him into the house to his bed. Ice could resist his Maker’s command, but he could choose not to screw a stranger in the same bed where he made love to his husband. That much he would do.

        Once in the bedroom he ruthlessly stripped the stranger of his clothing and removed his own. Ice shoved him face down on the bed, climbed on top of him and brutally shoved his way into the unprepared and unresisting body. He tore through the stranger’s maidenhead and thrust in him again and again until he came. All the while his Maker stood there watching the two of them.

        “Very good, my child,” she said stroking Ice’s hair. “Now you must take him inside you.”

        Ice shook his head, trying to resist. “No, I will not.”

        “Fool,” she hissed, using Ice’s hair to pull his face up towards her. “Do you honestly think I cannot tell that you are fertile as well? He will carry your child and you, my rebellious offspring, will carry his.”

        “No, please, Mistress, no,” Ice choked out, tears running down his face, “I beg you, do not make me do this.”

        She slapped him across his face hard. “You will do it. I, your Maker, command it.”

        He bowed his head in submission, turned toward the man lying in his bed, flipped him on his back and proceeded to arouse him. Then he mounted the stranger and rode him until the man underneath him cried out his pleasure.

        Ice climbed off of him and stumbled into the bathroom. He sank against the door and buried his face in his arms. His shoulders shook with the force of his sobs. Eventually he got up and showered off the evidence of his infidelity.

        He walked out in the living to find the strange male sitting on the couch watching TV. The other looked up warily. “Where is she?” Ice demanded harshly. The boy paled and gestured toward the nursery. Ice stalked into the nursery, if she had harmed his daughters…

        Snow was just standing there watching them sleep. “Get out of here. Get out of my house,” Ice growled. “You are not welcome here.”

        “I am your Maker. Your house is my house and I will not leave until after the children are born. Afterwards I will take them and Onyx and go.”

        “You cannot stay here.”

        “You cannot force me to go.”

        Ice turned away, knowing she spoke the truth. He knew he was not strong enough to win a fight with her, even if she hadn’t been the one who Made him. “There is no room here.”

        She shrugged, “You and I will share your coffin. Onyx can sleep in the same room that your children were conceived in. I know your mate has never been in there.”

        “What will I tell him?”

        “Tell him that I am an old friend who has come to visit. It is the truth after all.”

        “We were never friends.”

        “I taught you everything you know about sex.”

        “Sex is not love, sex is not friendship, sex is sex.”

        “I do not understand.”

        Ice turned to face her again. There was nothing he could say. Comprehension was beyond her. Her visit had proved to Ice that his freedom was an illusion. He may have run from her, but she had let him go. “I just have one request.”

        “I am in generous mood. Ask. I may even grant it.”

        “Do not harm my children or my husband while you are here.”

        “The children are safe. They are human and female. Their only use is as hostages against your misbehavior. Your husband, on the other hand,…” she paused, letting her words sink in, “you chose him without permission from me. His life is mine to do with as a please. To ensure your cooperation I will not cause any permanent damage to his body, but there are great many things I can do that will not leave a mark.”

        Ice nodded mutely. His life, his family’s lives were in her hands. The only way they would survive the experience would be by cooperating.

        “Good. I am glad to see we understand each other.”

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