Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chapter 17


        Aaron cried in pain as another contraction hit. If he had known just how bad the pain would be, he would have refused to go through with procedure. He clutched Ice’s hand in a bone-crushing grip. The two of them had studied everything they could find regarding pregnancy and childbirth. There was no way that either one of them could go to the hospital when the time came, so they both had to be prepared for any eventuality.  Aaron looked into Ice's face. He seemed to struggling with an intense emotion. “Are you going to be okay?”

        Ice nodded. “I am not a child. I will manage. Now I need you to let go of my hand so I can see how close you are to delivery.” He moved away and knelt between Aaron’s spread legs. “I can see the head. One more push should do it.”

        Aaron grunted acknowledgement and gave one last mighty push. Their daughter Barbara King entered the world. Ice bundled the baby up and handed her to her mother. Aaron looked up at his daughter and then his husband. “Are you sorry it’s not a boy?”

        Ice shook his head and held out his finger for the baby to grab. “As long as it is healthy I do not care. Besides, mine might be a boy,” he added glancing down at his own swollen stomach.

        A month later it was Aaron holding Ice’s hand as he labored to deliver their second child. Bella King’s delivery was much easier for mother and child.

        “It’s another girl, Ice.”

        Ice reached out and cradled his daughter. “That is fine. We try again if you truly desire a son.”

        Aaron brushed Ice’s long hair behind his ear. “That won’t be for a long time, a very long time. I hate seeing you in pain.”

        Ice turned his head and kissed Aaron’s palm. “Does that mean you actually care for me?”

        “Yeah, I do. We have two wonderful daughters and I can’t imagine sharing my life and bed with anyone else. I love you, Ice King.”

        “I love you too, Aaron Aaeng King.”

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