Friday, July 27, 2012

Chapter 16

       The next few months passed rather uneventfully. Ice finished revising his novel A Lover’s Descent Into Hell and was hard at work on his second book.

Their mutual morning sickness passed quickly enough and at the beginning of the fourth months their stomachs expanded without question.

Aaron had decided to take up gardening and nectar making after seeing that Ice’s property consisted of a large lot with the living spaces underground. Since the underground dwelling space took up only a fraction of the available land there was plenty of room for Aaron to plant apples and grapes. He would make Apple Cider and Grape Wine. He also decided to try to grow plasma fruit to make Bloodwine for Ice.

        Ice wandered above ground to watch Aaron working in his garden. “That’s coming along nicely.”

        Aaron looked up at Ice and smiled, “Yes it is. Hopefully I will gain enough experience to make you Bloodwine.”

        “You don’t have to do that,” Ice commented, but inwardly he was pleased that his lover was making such an effort for him. He leaned on the fence and casually asked, “Have you ever made love in the grass?”

        Aaron blushed and shook his head, “You know I haven’t. You know exactly where and when I’ve made love.”

        “Well, let’s rectify that situation shall we?” Ice jumped over the fence and quickly and expertly removed Aaron’s clothing as well as his own.

He pressed Aaron down into the soft grass and made love to him in the freshly turned earth.

        “You’re insatiably. You realize that, don’t you?” Aaron observed brushing dirt off his backside.

        Ice stood up gracefully. “Decades of celibacy tend to do that to a person. Are you alright?”

        Aaron pulled Ice into a kiss, “I’m fine.”

        “You know if you keep doing that, we will wind up in the dirt again.”

        Aaron stepped back, “You’re right. Besides I need to finish weeding. I’ll be down in a shortly.”

        “I will be waiting, lover.” Ice went back down. He knew he shouldn’t let his lust distract him from his work, but seeing Aaron just drove all other thoughts from his mind. Ice grabbed a bottle of Plasma Juice from the fridge and sat down to continue typing.
Aaron came down a few minutes later and scarfed down a bowl of mac’n’cheese. Ice wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know how you can stand to eat that stuff.”

        “Well I don’t know how you can stand to drink plasma juice so I guess we’re even.”

        “Fair enough.”

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