Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chapter 23

        Aaron knelt between Ice’s spread legs. “Okay one more push ought to do.” He looked up at his husband awkwardly moving his own belly into position so he could catch Ice’s baby. Next to Ice on the bed, Onyx screamed out with the pain of his own contractions. Snow stood next to him ready to take the baby. The other girls were safely occupied in the nursery, but Aaron knew they couldn’t help but hear the screams of pain. Suddenly Ice one last big push and his second child came safely into the world. Next to him, the infant’s wails were echoed by its siblings protest as it entered the world. Aaron cradled Ice’s son, Blake while Snow held Onyx’s son, Boyd.

        Aaron smiled down at the boys. Ice slipped his hands around his waist. “They are beautiful children, aren’t they?”   

        “Yes. It will be your turn next.”

        “And then Snow.”

        “And then Snow,” Ice repeated.

        “Will we have another child of our own?”

        Ice laughed, “I just gave birth last week and you are almost due and you are already talking about another child. You must be a glutton for punishment.”

        “I don’t mean right way. In a year or two.”

        “Ask me again in a year or two. I do not even want to think about another child right now.”

        “Fine, but if you’re hoping all have forgotten about by then, I promise you I won’t have.”

        Aaron’s labor happened so quickly that he gave birth in his garden. It was a healthy baby boy they named Brandon. Three weeks later Snow was unavoidably detained outside as the sun rose high in the sky. The locals caught her feeding and attack. She crawled desperately home. She wanted to get home before giving birth. She knew her injuries were too severe for her to survive. Aaron was outside tending to his garden when he saw her crawling along toward him.

He rushed to her, “Snow, what happened?”

She shook her head, “Protect the baby, all the babies.”

At that instant she turned into dust, leaving her unborn child behind.

Aaron picked up the girl and rushed her downstairs. The men’s combined efforts succeeded in reviving the child. Ice looked at his hands while Aaron related what had happened.

Onyx swallowed and in soft voice said, “Now what? What will happen to me? Where will I go?”

Aaron looked at him. He went over and put his arm around the other man. “You can stay here as long as you like. Can’t he, Ice?”

“Of course. I would not dream of separating you from your children.”

So Onyx moved in with them. The baby girl Snow had borne was named Bianca.
Blake King

Boyd Black

Brandon King

Bianca White

Monday, July 30, 2012

Chapter 22

        Ice was standing in the kitchen cleaning the counter when Snow came up beside him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He tensed up and pulled away. “Do not do that.”

        “Have you forgotten who I am? I shall do whatever I wish to you whenever I wish to and I wish to feel your belly.”

        Ice sat on the counter. He frowned there was something different about her scent, something he couldn’t quite put a name on. “What do you want, Snow?”

        “You,” she said simply.

        “Me,” he repeated.

        “Yes, you. Here. Now. On this counter.”

        He slid off the countertop. “No.”

        “That was an order. Do not make me compel you.”

        He looked away, but nodded. He swiftly removed his clothing and waited for her to position herself on the countertop. The sex was over quickly enough. When it was over, she sat up and smiled at him. “There that was not horrible, was it?”


        She lightly brushed her hand over his belly. “I am glad we got that straight.”     

        A month later she told Ice that she was carrying his baby. He was not pleased. The rest of the pregnancies passed smoothly enough. Ice and Aaron became even closer. Onyx was a ghost in the house. Any attempt to engage him in conversation was met with mumbling and Onyx excused himself as quickly as possible. Onyx waited on Snow hand and foot even when his growing belly made it awkward. Ice couldn’t forgive Snow for what she had done.

The prospect of bearing a child only to lose it to a monster like Snow meant Ice spent several nights crying himself to sleep in Aaron’s arms.

Chapter 21

        Aaron was busy tending his garden one night when Ice joined him. He glanced at his husband. Ever since Ice’s friends had arrived, Ice had been tense and withdrawn. Every gesture of affection Aaron had made had been coldly rebuffed. He dug his spade into the earth with more force than absolutely. The sexual frustration was becoming unbearable. It didn’t help that Aaron hadn’t conceived the day Ice’s friends had arrived.

        “Aaron, we need to talk.”

        “I have nothing to say to you.”

        “You are angry. I suppose you have every right to be.”

        “Yes, I’m angry. You promised we would have another child, yet every time I try to make that happen, you find some excuse not to have sex. You lied to me.”

        “Aaron, I, I am pregnant.”

        Aaron spun around and looked at him. “You are? Really? That’s great. I’m sorry I’ve been so angry at you.”

        Ice pulled away when Aaron reached out to hug him. “It is not yours,” he said flatly.

        Aaron let his hands fall to his side. “What do you mean it isn’t mine?”

        “What do you think I mean? I am not carrying your child. I had sex with Onyx. It is his child and he is carrying my child.”

        “You—you—you and Onyx are having children together,” Aaron whispered devastated. “How could you do this to me? In my house? In my bed?” His voice shook as he fought desperately not to cry. “I thought you loved me.”

        “I do love you. She, Snow, made me have sex with him,” Ice whispered.

        “She made you? How could she make you betray me?” Aaron yelled at him.
Ice just looked at him, his face a mask. “She Made me. I am not strong enough to refuse her commands. I thought I was, but it turns out I was wrong,” he hesitated not meeting Aaron’s eyes, “Aaron, you are carrying Onyx’s child as well.”

“I’m what?! That isn’t possible. I would remember having sex with him. I haven’t had sex with anyone since they arrived.”
“She made you do it. She made me watch Onyx rape you,” for the first time Ice’s voice shook with emotion. “I had to watch.” Aaron stared unbelieving as tears began to fall down Ice’s cheeks. Ice had never, ever, in the three years he had known him, shown that much emotion. Aaron reached out to brush the tears away. Ice looked at him with such misery, such pain in his eyes that Aaron instantly forgave him for his betrayal.

“I love you, Ice, I forgive you.” Aaron pulled his husband into his arms. Ice resisted for a moment before burying his head in Aaron’s shoulder. His shoulders shook with his sobs. Aaron gently stroked his hair, his own tears falling silently to mingle with Ice’s.

“What are we going to do?”

“Nothing. We can do nothing. She wants the children. Once they are born, she has said she will leave.”

“All the children?”

“No, our daughters are safe for now.”

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chapter 20

        Ice raised his head from the computer. The sense of power was stronger now. He knew that feeling, knew the one whose power was approaching. The one who had Made him had come to see him. A fainter wisp of power let him know that she was not alone. Ice cursed softly under his breath. He did not wish to deal with her latest “pet.” He did not if the stranger was food or child and he did not care. She and her companion were not welcome. He stood up from his computer and ascended to the surface to greet his visitors.

        “What are you doing here, Snow?” He asked, “I thought I told you to leave me alone.”

        The woman smiled, “Such discourtesy, my child. I thought I taught you better. I have brought you a present.”

        “I want nothing from you except to be left alone.”

        “See this boy? He is for you.”

        “For me? What does that mean?”

        “You will get him with child. A child that he and I will raise together.”

        Ice raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why should I do that? Why don’t you bear his child? Ah, yes,” Ice mocked, “That would require you to actually love him and a selfish witch like you is incapable of that deep emotion.” He made a dismissive gesture. “You have other children. You do not need me.”

        “You are still my child and I order you to father a child on him,” Snow replied coldly. “Your wishes or his for that matter are unimportant.”

        Ice turned away and said harshly, “I have no desire to take your leftovers.”

        “I know. He is beautiful, is he not? I have restrained myself from even tasting his blood. You are the best of my children. The only one worthy of the honor I do you.”

        “No. I have a mate. I have children. I will not lie with another. I will not hurt my spouse like that.”

        “Have you forgotten what we are? Your spouse will not know or care what you do.”

        “I will not.”

        “You will, child. I know you. I Made you and because I Made you I command you to have sex with your approved bride.”

        Ice fought her power, but she was too old, too strong and he was unable to resist. He took the stranger’s hand and led him into the house to his bed. Ice could resist his Maker’s command, but he could choose not to screw a stranger in the same bed where he made love to his husband. That much he would do.

        Once in the bedroom he ruthlessly stripped the stranger of his clothing and removed his own. Ice shoved him face down on the bed, climbed on top of him and brutally shoved his way into the unprepared and unresisting body. He tore through the stranger’s maidenhead and thrust in him again and again until he came. All the while his Maker stood there watching the two of them.

        “Very good, my child,” she said stroking Ice’s hair. “Now you must take him inside you.”

        Ice shook his head, trying to resist. “No, I will not.”

        “Fool,” she hissed, using Ice’s hair to pull his face up towards her. “Do you honestly think I cannot tell that you are fertile as well? He will carry your child and you, my rebellious offspring, will carry his.”

        “No, please, Mistress, no,” Ice choked out, tears running down his face, “I beg you, do not make me do this.”

        She slapped him across his face hard. “You will do it. I, your Maker, command it.”

        He bowed his head in submission, turned toward the man lying in his bed, flipped him on his back and proceeded to arouse him. Then he mounted the stranger and rode him until the man underneath him cried out his pleasure.

        Ice climbed off of him and stumbled into the bathroom. He sank against the door and buried his face in his arms. His shoulders shook with the force of his sobs. Eventually he got up and showered off the evidence of his infidelity.

        He walked out in the living to find the strange male sitting on the couch watching TV. The other looked up warily. “Where is she?” Ice demanded harshly. The boy paled and gestured toward the nursery. Ice stalked into the nursery, if she had harmed his daughters…

        Snow was just standing there watching them sleep. “Get out of here. Get out of my house,” Ice growled. “You are not welcome here.”

        “I am your Maker. Your house is my house and I will not leave until after the children are born. Afterwards I will take them and Onyx and go.”

        “You cannot stay here.”

        “You cannot force me to go.”

        Ice turned away, knowing she spoke the truth. He knew he was not strong enough to win a fight with her, even if she hadn’t been the one who Made him. “There is no room here.”

        She shrugged, “You and I will share your coffin. Onyx can sleep in the same room that your children were conceived in. I know your mate has never been in there.”

        “What will I tell him?”

        “Tell him that I am an old friend who has come to visit. It is the truth after all.”

        “We were never friends.”

        “I taught you everything you know about sex.”

        “Sex is not love, sex is not friendship, sex is sex.”

        “I do not understand.”

        Ice turned to face her again. There was nothing he could say. Comprehension was beyond her. Her visit had proved to Ice that his freedom was an illusion. He may have run from her, but she had let him go. “I just have one request.”

        “I am in generous mood. Ask. I may even grant it.”

        “Do not harm my children or my husband while you are here.”

        “The children are safe. They are human and female. Their only use is as hostages against your misbehavior. Your husband, on the other hand,…” she paused, letting her words sink in, “you chose him without permission from me. His life is mine to do with as a please. To ensure your cooperation I will not cause any permanent damage to his body, but there are great many things I can do that will not leave a mark.”

        Ice nodded mutely. His life, his family’s lives were in her hands. The only way they would survive the experience would be by cooperating.

        “Good. I am glad to see we understand each other.”

Chapter 19

        Aaron walked into his bedroom, his bedroom, not their bedroom. Even after three years of marriage, the second bedroom remained locked. Aaron ran his hand over the comforter, remembering all the times that Ice had taken him on it. He loved Ice more than anything in the world and even though Ice was rough at times he wouldn’t, couldn’t, refuse him. The ultimatum Aaron had issued weighed heavily in his mind. Ice was not the sort of man who enjoyed being dictated to, but Aaron wanted a son. He wanted a large loving family and had thought that Ice wanted one to.

        There was a knock on the door. “Come in, it’s open,” Aaron invited.

        Ice walked in and sat beside him. “I am sorry, Aaron. I did not realize you felt this strongly about having another child. You know I have a medical…condition. I did not want to risk having a child with my…condition, but if you want another child I will give you one.”

        Aaron looked at him. “You mean that?”

        Ice nodded, “Yes, I mean that.”

        Aaron smiled, “Good” and then pounced. He undid Ice’s pants and shoved them down around his knees before forcing Ice to his knees and bent over the bed. Aaron fumbled with his own jeans before freeing his erection. He took Ice forcibly. After he was finished, he pulled out and sat on the floor leaning against the bed.
        Ice slid down to the floor and looked at Aaron. “As fun as that was, it will not result in a child.”

        “I know. I just wanted to do that.”

        Ice gave a slow smile, reached for Aaron and said, “My turn.”

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chapter 18

        Ice stretched his arms working out the kinks in his back from working on his latest novel. The past two years since his daughters’ births had passed far too quickly for his taste.

He rose from the desk and walked into the nursery to watch the girls playing together on the floor. They looked up and crawled over to him babbling happily. He knelt and hugged them. He had never thought that he would ever feel quite as happy as he did playing with his children. A glance at the clock showed him that it was still light out.

Aaron would be up top working in his garden. He had quickly become an expert gardener and enjoyed making nectar. In fact there was a new rack installed in their living area that was filled with Aaron’s efforts. Apparently the cool, constant temperatures underground helped the nectar age.

        “Hey, little one, why don’t we practice walking today?” Ice asked Bella. She looked up with her sweet little face and babbled at him. He took her hands in his and held her steady on her little legs. Her twin watched for a moment before crawling off to play. As Ice worked with his daughter, he offered up a prayer of relief that neither girl had shown signs of inheriting his…condition. Aaron still was unaware of the exact nature of Ice’s…condition and Ice had no intention of enlightening. As far as Aaron was concerned Ice suffered from photosensitivity and a form of anemia that required him to drink plasma juice daily.

        A footfall alerted Ice to Aaron’s presence. He looked up at his husband standing in the archway with a loving smile on his face.
Ice picked up Bella and walked over. “I trust your garden is doing well.”

        Aaron brushed a lock of hair back with dirt encrusted fingers. “Yes, the plants are growing well. I might be able to plant plasma fruit soon. Then I could make you wine from them.”

        “I would like that. I am glad you have found a hobby.”

        “It is not a hobby,” Aaron paused, “Ice, there is something I would like to discuss with you.”

        “Of course. You may discuss anything with me.”

        “I want another child. I want to have a son.”

        Ice tucked his daughter into her crib.

        “Dammit, Ice, don’t ignore me. The twins are two now. I’m an adult. I thought you liked having children. Stop shutting me down every time I bring up the subject.”

        “I do not shut you down. I do not think now is the time to discuss it. The girls still need us. I would like to wait until they are old enough to go to school before having another child.”

        “And when they go to school, you will want to wait until they are teens and then it will be postponed until they move out and by that time you will not want to have any more children because it is way too much hassle and then I will be too old and the point will be moot.” Aaron shook his head angrily, “No, I stopped taking my birth control and nothing you can do can make me take it again. If you don’t give me a child, I’ll find someone who will. The choice is yours.” He walked out of the nursery.

        Ice stood there staring at the little girl in her crib. “Ah, love, the more children I have the greater the chance of having one with my condition. How will you react when you find out that you’ve been bedding a monster?”

Barbara King

Bella King

Chapter 17


        Aaron cried in pain as another contraction hit. If he had known just how bad the pain would be, he would have refused to go through with procedure. He clutched Ice’s hand in a bone-crushing grip. The two of them had studied everything they could find regarding pregnancy and childbirth. There was no way that either one of them could go to the hospital when the time came, so they both had to be prepared for any eventuality.  Aaron looked into Ice's face. He seemed to struggling with an intense emotion. “Are you going to be okay?”

        Ice nodded. “I am not a child. I will manage. Now I need you to let go of my hand so I can see how close you are to delivery.” He moved away and knelt between Aaron’s spread legs. “I can see the head. One more push should do it.”

        Aaron grunted acknowledgement and gave one last mighty push. Their daughter Barbara King entered the world. Ice bundled the baby up and handed her to her mother. Aaron looked up at his daughter and then his husband. “Are you sorry it’s not a boy?”

        Ice shook his head and held out his finger for the baby to grab. “As long as it is healthy I do not care. Besides, mine might be a boy,” he added glancing down at his own swollen stomach.

        A month later it was Aaron holding Ice’s hand as he labored to deliver their second child. Bella King’s delivery was much easier for mother and child.

        “It’s another girl, Ice.”

        Ice reached out and cradled his daughter. “That is fine. We try again if you truly desire a son.”

        Aaron brushed Ice’s long hair behind his ear. “That won’t be for a long time, a very long time. I hate seeing you in pain.”

        Ice turned his head and kissed Aaron’s palm. “Does that mean you actually care for me?”

        “Yeah, I do. We have two wonderful daughters and I can’t imagine sharing my life and bed with anyone else. I love you, Ice King.”

        “I love you too, Aaron Aaeng King.”