Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 78

Onyx sighed as he threw up again. He loved being pregnant, but he hated throwing up. Luckily he was almost three months along. The nausea would soon pass for him and Ice. He lightly ran his hand over his belly. A knock on the door, broke his reverie. Blade stumbled in looking a bit green around the gills.
Onyx hastily moved out of the way so the vampire could empty his stomach.

“Why did I think this was a good idea?” He complained.

“I don’t know, but just remember these pregnancies were your idea.”

“You are a cruel, cruel man, Onyx Black.”

“It will pass.”

“I know,” Blade sighed, “that doesn’t make it any easier to bear.”
Onyx sat beside him and leaned against the wall. “You know it’s funny, the last time I was pregnant, Ice was also pregnant. We gave birth at the same time, just minutes apart. And here we are again, both pregnant, both due at the same time.”

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

“Yup. Except this time our children aren’t related to each other.”

“You and Ice, then me, and finally Aaron. It should be interesting. You have been reading the material I provided?”

“Yes. All of us have. I’m not thrilled at the thought of another home birth, but I understand how dangerous it could be to have a vampire child born in a hospital.”

The rest of their pregnancies proceeded uneventfully. Ice and Onyx both went into labor and gave birth with minutes of each other.
Blade went into labor a month later.
A month after than Aaron gave birth. All the children and mothers were healthy. The next four years passed quietly as the children grew. The men’s bonds to each other grew stronger after the birth of their children. Then one day…
Blair Black, daughter of Onyx and Blade
Burke King, son of Ice and Aaron
Bonnie Dickson, daughter of Blade and Aaron
Byron King, son of Aaron and Onyx

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