Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chapter 63


“This is the airport,” Onyx said as Blade parked the car.
“Yes it is, Master of the Obvious.”
“What are we doing here?”
“Well, typically people come to airports for two reasons to pick someone up or to board a plane to someplace else. Guess which one we’re here to do.”
“I can’t leave town. I have children to take of.”
“Ice and Aaron are here.”
“I wouldn’t trust them to take care of my pet rock. Why would I trust them with children?”
“Those are their children too. Besides, the twins are there. They can help.”
Onyx snorted. “We are talking about the same twins, right?”
“They aren’t that bad. Now come on we don’t want to miss our plane.”
Blade grabbed Onyx’s arm again and dragged him over to the ticket counter so check their luggage. Onyx was silent as they went through security and headed to the gate.
He sat in a chair, opened a book and ignored Blade until the plane started boarding. Blade was content to let him sulk during the entire flight to China. They collected their luggage and got in a taxi to the hotel. Blade checked them in and led the way to the room.
Onyx looked around the room. He frowned as he realized that there was only one bed in the room. “Where are you planning on sleeping?”
“Where do you think? In the bed.”
“Fine. Where am I supposed to sleep?”
“In the bed. Unless you really prefer to sleep on the floor. I’m sure the innkeeper can rustle up a sleeping bag or something, although he’ll want to know why.”
“What difference does it make to him where I sleep?”
“Because this is the Honeymoon Suite. He assumes we are on our honeymoon.”
Onyx colored. “Why didn’t you correct him?”
“My Chinese isn’t that good.” Blade smiled at him.
“Prove it,” Blade challenged.
Onyx began to unpack. “Why did you bring me here?”
“You needed a vacation without the children. Don’t get me wrong I love them, but sometimes it’s good to get away from them for a time.”
“How long is this vacation?”
“Two weeks and you are not to call home. Ice knows not to answer your calls or texts. He’ll call if there is an emergency, but he has complete discretion as to what constitutes an emergency.”
“I hate you.”

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