Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter 76

Blade made no protest as Aaron entered him. He had been surprised when the human had offered his blood. He had been even more surprised when Aaron had given in to his passion. He wondered about the human’s change of heart briefly before surrendering to the wave of passion.
They spent the next several days in bed, exploring each other’s bodies.
At the end of the week, Blade suggested that they actually go see some sights.
“Why?” Aaron wanted to know.
“Because we are in France. You should see something of the country besides the hotel room. Besides the children will be wanting presents will they not?”
Aaron flushed. “There’s nothing wrong with the hotel room.”
“No, but what will you say when someone asks you about your trip?”
Aaron opened his mouth and closed it. “You’re right. I wouldn’t want to tell them that all I did in France was have sex."
“There is a local nectary that gives tours. I thought we might go there.”
“All right.”
Blade covertly watched Aaron as they walked through the nectary. Other than a certain amount of tension, the human seemed to be handling it well.
Blade waited until they were in the shop to ask, “Why did you change your mind?”
“Change my mind about what?” Aaron responded.
“About sleeping with me.”
There was a long pause before Aaron replied, “I want you. I find you attractive. I was taught that all herms were sluts. I was taught that I shouldn’t sleep with someone other than my spouse.”
“What changed your mind?”
“The thought of losing Ice. He said that it wasn’t wrong if he knew about it. He said that it’s nobody’s business but ours what happens behind closed doors. If everyone consents, if everyone loves, how can it be wrong?”
“Aaron, you are probably the least sluttiest one of the four of us. I am glad you changed your mind. I’m glad to be carrying your child.”
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes.” Blade smiled at Aaron. “That first time I think.”
“Now it’s my turn. With Onyx’s child.”
“That is the idea. I know he loves you.”
“I held myself back from him for so long. I felt guilty for wanting him while Ice was gone.”
Blade hugged the younger man. “It’s alright. Ice loves you. Onyx loves you. I love you. There is nothing wrong with loving.” He gently stroked Aaron’s hair as he wept.
Finally Aaron pulled away. “Let’s go home.”
“Back to the hotel?”
“No, home. I want to make love to Onyx.”
“I’ll make the arrangements.”

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