Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chapter 61

Aaron looked anywhere but the vampire sitting next to him. This close Blade smelled of sweat and sex. Ice walked over and sat on his other side.  Aaron shifted uneasily on the couch. Sandwiched between the two of them, all he could think about was that they had just had sex with each other. The lingering odor of sex was arousing. He had stopped by to take Ice home not to indulge in an orgy.
Ice broke the awkward silence. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you that Blade was coming home with me.”
“Yeah, that was a surprise.”
 “Maybe we should leave the two of you alone,” Blade offered.
Aaron shook his head. “No, I agreed to give this a sincere effort. I have to get used to the fact that Ice will have sex you, now is as good as time as any.” He licked his lips. “I’ve been thinking that maybe we should set up a schedule.”
Blade looked offended. “You want to schedule sex?!”
“Well, not necessarily the sex. More like the nights we share a bed. I want to be alone with Ice sometimes. I’m sure you feel the same way. I think it would be less stressful for everybody if we actually schedule these times.”
“Does that mean that you and I would spend time alone?”
Aaron thought about Blade’s question. It had never occurred to him that Blade might expect some one on one time with him. He shrugged.

So it was that Blade moved in with Ice, Aaron and Onyx. The adjustment period was difficult for everyone involved, but eventually they worked out their differences. Ice and Aaron spent three nights a week together and Ice and Blade spent three nights a week together. They usually spent the seventh night together. This was how things stood for a year…


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