Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 67

Onyx looked at Blade curiously. “Why?”
“To ensure that we actually get to know one another sexually. Also, I intend that all of us should end up pregnant. You with my child, Aaron with yours, Ice and I with Aaron’s children.”
Onyx looked away. He felt guilty for having sex with Blade even though he wasn’t actually having sex with Aaron. He wrapped his arms around his body as he considered Blade’s idea. “Am I fertile now? Is that why you seduced me?”
“Yes and yes.” Blade stepped closer and brushed his lips against Onyx’s. “Let’s go make a baby.”
Onyx stayed still as the vampire slowly ran his tongue over his lips, That was the only place their bodies were touching. Blade was very carefully keeping his body from brushing against Onyx’s. He stepped away. “I need time to think, Blade. This is all so sudden. I didn’t realize that you desired me.”
The vampire laughed and sat down on the bench. “Fine. Take all the time you need. I’ll be waiting for you in the hotel room.”

Onyx walked out of the garden and went for a long run. He relaxed as his legs moved. With all the children at home, he rarely got the chance for a good long run. He’d forgotten how good it felt to just run.
The wind rushed by him, tangling his long black hair. Eventually he had to stop.
He collapsed on the ground and leaned back.
He ran his hand down his stomach before resting it on his crotch. He couldn’t remember the last time he had pleasured himself. He always felt awkward at home, like he was doing something wrong. There were too many people there, too many people with very sharp ears and noses.
He undid his zipper and slipped his hand into his pants. On the rare occasions he did touch himself it was only to relieve the pressure caused by his erection. This time, however, he pushed his pants off his body.
He pulled his shirt off and lay naked on the grass. The soft grass felt strange against his bare flesh. He smiled and lightly played with his nipples. Soon his hand drifted downward and his fingers ran up his erection. He moaned at the soft caress. He ran his fingers down and between his legs. He slipped his finger inside his body. He was aroused but not quite ready so it was a tight fit.
His fingers slid in and out harder and faster until Onyx was panting with his arousal. The feeling of his arm brushing against his erection quickly drove him to peak and over. He lay sated on the grass for a long time. He must have drifted off because when he became aware of his surroundings again the sun was slipping behind the mountains.
He used his shirt to clean himself up before dressing. He slowly walked back to the hotel. He knew the vampire would be waiting for him. He climbed the stairs to their room, opened the door and walked in. Blade was lying on the bed reading.
"You’re back. Did you get everything sorted out?”
“Yes.” Onyx took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. Blade looked up at the sound of his zipper being lowered. His aqua eyes began to glow with desire as Onyx stepped out of his jeans. He padded to the bed fully erect.
Onyx climbed on the bed and straddled the vampire. He undid the other’s pants and guided him into his body. Onyx eased himself down until Blade was fully sheathed in him. The vampire looked up at him, but made no move to help or hinder him. Onyx tightened his muscles and began moving up and down. His explorations earlier had helped prepared him for this. “When I come, you come.” The vampire nodded and moved his hips in time with Onyx’s movements. It didn’t take long for Onyx to climax and he felt Blade spend his seed inside his body.
Rather than pulling away, Onyx leaned down and relaxed on top of the other’s body with his flaccid penis still inside.
Blade gently stroked his hair. “I take it we’re having a baby.”
“Yes. Having sex with you, liking you, loving you doesn’t mean that I love Aaron less. I just never thought you would be interested. You’re older and more experienced; I didn’t think I had anything to offer.”
“Experience isn’t everything. You have no bad habits to unlearn. I don’t mind teaching you everything I know about sex. I don’t mind sharing you with Aaron and Ice. I love all of you in different ways.”
“I love you too, Blade. Not the same as Aaron, but it is still love. More of a friend than a lover.”
“FIBs than.”
“Friend in bed or friend with benefits if you prefer.”
“FIBs it is then.”

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