Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 82

     Aaron pulled in front of his sister’s house. He didn’t know why she had insisted he come over tonight. She had sounded really excited about the surprise she wanted to show him. He had a really bad feeling about the whole thing. He got out and walked up to the house. He pressed the doorbell and waited impatiently for someone to answer.
     “Oh, hello, Uncle Aaron. Come on in. Mother and Father will be ready shortly.”
     He smiled at Meghann and entered. “How was the first week of school?”
     She looked uncomfortable. “The teachers are knowledgeable in their subjects.”
     “But?” he raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
     “But there are non-purple students there. There are even students who are mixed!” She delivered this information as if it were the most shocking, most disgusting thing she had ever heard.
     “I see,” Aaron replied neutrally. Inwardly he winced. He had been afraid that his sister had absorbed his father’s beliefs and attitudes.
     “Aaron! You’re right on time. We want to get there before the meeting starts.” Ariel greeted him.
     “What meeting?” Aaron asked warily.
     “The PPP meeting, of course. I’m sure I mentioned them the other day. Weren’t you listening?”
      “You caught me.” Aaron smiled sheepishly. “I was still in shock meeting you again, I wasn’t really paying attention.”
       “Oh. That’s all right. The PPP is Purples Promoting Purity. We are against the removal of the color laws. We firmly believe that the colors should not interbreed.”
       “I see.”
       “I’m glad! I know you’ll join our group. You might even find a wife.”
       “What makes you think I’m single?”
       “No wedding band.” She pointed to his bare hand.
       Aaron looked down at his hand. He had stopped wearing his ring when Ice had been kidnapped. When he came back, their relationship had changed so much that the four of them had never gotten around to exchanging love tokens. It had never seemed important. They knew they loved each other.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 81

      Ice looked up as Aaron walked in. He hadn’t come home for dinner or called. “Where have you been?”
      Aaron shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”     
      “You didn’t call and you were ignoring your phone. We were worried.”
      “What happened? You draw the short straw to see who would wait up for me?”
      “Have you been drinking?”
      “No.” Aaron sighed and rubbed his temple. “I have a headache. I’m going to bed.”
      “Not until you tell me where you were.” Ice grabbed his wrist.
      “I said I don’t want to talk about it. Can we just drop the subject? Please?”
      “Aaron, what’s wrong?” Ice asked softly as he released him.
      “Nothing. Everything.”
      Ice studied his lover. They had been together for nearly twenty years. Granted there was a break in the middle, but since it was involuntary, neither one of them counted it. He knew something was wrong. “The doctor called. He said you forgot to schedule your next appointment when you left earlier. Are you sick?”
      Aaron stared at him then shook his head with a tired laugh. “No, not really. I’m pregnant.”
      Ice blinked. “Are you sure?”
      “The doctor is. The paternity test will probably be scheduled in two months.”
      “I’m sorry.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around the younger man. “I love you. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be ready to listen.”
      Aaron rested his head on Ice’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
      Ice scooped him and carried him to bed. They cuddled in the darkness until they finally drifted off to sleep.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Chapter 80

       Aaron followed his sister Ariel to her car. There was no way he could gracefully excuse himself from this impromptu dinner. He wondered what her husband was like. He wondered what she was like. He wondered if his parents would be there.
      She drove through the city, babbling away about something or other. He tuned her out. It was the longest car ride of his life.
      She pulled up next to a nice little house. Aaron slowly got out of the car. His phone was buzzing.  He quickly thumbed it off. He knew his lovers would not be happy about it, but he wasn’t ready to introduce his past to his present just yet.
      “Hurry up, slowpoke,” Ariel called. Aaron went up the walk and followed into her house.
      A purple man was sprawled on the couch watching the game. At a nearby table two girls were busily working on their homework. A little boy played happily with his stuffed doll on the floor. A cozy little domestic scene. Aaron had never felt so isolated in his life.
      “Hi, honey. Guess who I ran into today? This is my older brother, Aaron! I was just taking a walk in the park when I spotted him. Doesn’t he look just like Father? Oh, Aaron, this is my husband, Matthew Renfrews. Our daughters, Meghann and Chantel and our son, Julius.”
      “Nice to meet you, Aaron. Sit down and have a beer.”
      “No, thank you,” Aaron answered as he sat next to his brother-in-law. That was a weird idea. His baby sister was all grown up and married with three children.
      “Who do you think will win?” Matthew asked.
      Aaron shrugged. “I don’t care. I don’t follow sports much.”
      “You’re kidding me! Then what do you watch?”
      Aaron thought over his answer. “Gardening shows mainly.” Work was always a safe topic. Ice preferred romantic stories, Blade liked horror and Onyx favored comedy.
      “You garden? What do you grow? Silver bells and cockle shells?”
      Aaron ignored his mockery. “No. I grow apples and grapes and turn them into cider and wine.”
      “That explains you turning your nose up at a humble beer.”
      “Who’s winning?” he asked, gesturing to the TV.
      “Why do you care? You said you didn’t follow sports.” 
      “Why do you hate me? You don’t even know me.”
      “Who said I hate you?”
      Aaron sighed and got up to talk to his nieces. “Hi. What are you working on?”
      “Homework,” the older one replied, “Duh.”
      “School doesn’t start until next week.”
      “Mother insists we do problems during the summer so we don’t forget over the break,” the younger one explained.
      “Ah. So how old are you?”
      “How old are you?” the elder challenged.
      He laughed, “I suppose it is rude. I was told that a gentleman never asks a lady her age. You have my most abject apologies for committing such a breach of etiquette.”
      “What?” the younger said, wrinkling her brow in confusion.     
      “I’m thirty-four.”
      “I’m eight and Meghann’s twelve. Julius is four.” The younger girl announced.
      “If she’s Meghann, than you must be Chantel.”
      “Yes. I’m starting the third grade. We’ll be learning multiplication this year.”
      “That sounds like fun.”
      “It is,” she lowered her voice, “but I’m not supposed to like math. I’m a girl.”
      “There’s nothing wrong with liking math. Personally I hated it.”
      “Yes, really.”
      “What do you do?”
      “Girls, stop pestering your uncle and go wash up for dinner.”
      The children were silent during dinner as Ariel monopolized the conversation. Aaron deftly deflected questions about his personal life. He had been thrown out because of it. He had to know his sister’s views on the subject before mentioning his complicated love life. Finally the interminable dinner was over and Aaron caught a cab home. Matthew had offered to give him a lift, but Aaron refused.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chapter 79

      Aaron sat down on the park bench. He had just come from a doctor’s appointment which had confirmed his fears. He was pregnant again. He stared sightlessly into the distance. How had this happened? They had taken precautions to prevent such an occurrence and had been religious in their usage. He idly rubbed the spot on his arm where the doctor had removed his implant. He didn’t want another child but the thought of terminating made him nauseous.
      “How am I going to tell them? Who is the father?” he whispered to himself. He was one month along. How had the vampires missed it? He was so wrapped up in his misery, he failed to notice someone standing next to him until they spoke.
      “Aaron? Aaron Aaeng?” a woman’s voice asked.
      He started. It had been almost twenty years since someone had called him that. Aaron Aaeng had died beneath his father’s fists nineteen years ago. Who had the audacity to resurrect him now?
      He looked at the speaker. It was a purple woman that seemed vaguely familiar. Aaron had deliberately isolated himself from everyone he’d known before The Incident. The few people he socialized with now were vampires and mostly Greys and Pinks at that. The only Purple he saw with any sort of regularity was the head of the Amethyst bloodline.
      “I’m sorry. You must be mistaken,” he replied brusquely.
      “No, I don’t think so,” she answered. “You’re the spitting image of my father when he was younger. You have to be Aaron.”
      “And who are you?”
      “It’s Ariel, your sister.”
      “Ariel,” he breathed. After The Incident, he had repressed his memories of his former life. They had only caused him pain. He remembered his sister. Once she had looked up to him. Once they had played together. He studied the woman again. She could be his sister, maybe. The question was did he want her to be his sister. Did he want to reconnect with his past? The past that had rejected him thoroughly and painfully.
      “I have no sister.”
      He shrugged and stood up. “Believe what you like. I’m not the man you’re looking for.”
      “Why, Aaron? Why did you leave? I thought you were dead.”

      Aaron closed his eyes. He could hear the pain in her voice. It was the voice of a little girl wondering why her beloved older brother had just left without saying goodbye. “I left because I had to leave. I couldn’t stay there. There was no place for me.”

      “We had a funeral!” she cried. “Everyone came. I cried for a year afterwards.”
      He turned and looked at her. “I’m sorry you were hurt. Once I left there was no point in returning.”
      She threw her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder. Aaron stood there awkwardly while this stranger, his sister, cried. Eventually she pulled away from him.
      “I’m sorry, Aaron,” she apologized wiping the tears away. “It’s just I thought you were dead and now I find you hear alive and well.”
      She perked up suddenly. “I know! Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight? You can meet my family. You don’t have any other plans do you?”
      “No, no really,” he said slowly.
      “Great! Let’s go! I should call my husband, but I want to surprise him.” She glanced at him mischievously.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 78

Onyx sighed as he threw up again. He loved being pregnant, but he hated throwing up. Luckily he was almost three months along. The nausea would soon pass for him and Ice. He lightly ran his hand over his belly. A knock on the door, broke his reverie. Blade stumbled in looking a bit green around the gills.
Onyx hastily moved out of the way so the vampire could empty his stomach.

“Why did I think this was a good idea?” He complained.

“I don’t know, but just remember these pregnancies were your idea.”

“You are a cruel, cruel man, Onyx Black.”

“It will pass.”

“I know,” Blade sighed, “that doesn’t make it any easier to bear.”
Onyx sat beside him and leaned against the wall. “You know it’s funny, the last time I was pregnant, Ice was also pregnant. We gave birth at the same time, just minutes apart. And here we are again, both pregnant, both due at the same time.”

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

“Yup. Except this time our children aren’t related to each other.”

“You and Ice, then me, and finally Aaron. It should be interesting. You have been reading the material I provided?”

“Yes. All of us have. I’m not thrilled at the thought of another home birth, but I understand how dangerous it could be to have a vampire child born in a hospital.”

The rest of their pregnancies proceeded uneventfully. Ice and Onyx both went into labor and gave birth with minutes of each other.
Blade went into labor a month later.
A month after than Aaron gave birth. All the children and mothers were healthy. The next four years passed quietly as the children grew. The men’s bonds to each other grew stronger after the birth of their children. Then one day…
Blair Black, daughter of Onyx and Blade
Burke King, son of Ice and Aaron
Bonnie Dickson, daughter of Blade and Aaron
Byron King, son of Aaron and Onyx

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chapter 77

             Onyx looked up as Aaron walked into his room. He hadn’t expected them to come home so soon. “Is everything alright?"
“Yes. Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
“You weren’t supposed to be back until next week,” Onyx pointed out.
Aaron shrugged. “Blade’s pregnant. That is why we went away, isn’t it? I came back because I can’t get pregnant with your child if you’re three thousand miles away.”
Onyx drew a sharp breath. “You mean that?”
“Yes.” Aaron looked into his eyes and held out his hand.
Onyx reached up and pulled Aaron down on top of him.
A quick flip and Aaron was lying on his back. Onyx kissed him fiercely as he tugged at Aaron’s clothing. “I can’t wait,” Onyx whispered as he freed himself of his own clothing.
“Then don’t,” Aaron replied. He spread his legs and guided Onyx’s shaft into him. Onyx tried to restrain himself. He tried to make it pleasurable for Aaron, but he had waited too long, wanted too long and he couldn’t hold back.
He collapsed on top of him. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t wait.”
“It’s okay. Next time will be better.”
Onyx levered himself up on his elbows and stared into Aaron’s violet eyes. He kissed his lover and slowly, gently made love to him.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter 76

Blade made no protest as Aaron entered him. He had been surprised when the human had offered his blood. He had been even more surprised when Aaron had given in to his passion. He wondered about the human’s change of heart briefly before surrendering to the wave of passion.
They spent the next several days in bed, exploring each other’s bodies.
At the end of the week, Blade suggested that they actually go see some sights.
“Why?” Aaron wanted to know.
“Because we are in France. You should see something of the country besides the hotel room. Besides the children will be wanting presents will they not?”
Aaron flushed. “There’s nothing wrong with the hotel room.”
“No, but what will you say when someone asks you about your trip?”
Aaron opened his mouth and closed it. “You’re right. I wouldn’t want to tell them that all I did in France was have sex."
“There is a local nectary that gives tours. I thought we might go there.”
“All right.”
Blade covertly watched Aaron as they walked through the nectary. Other than a certain amount of tension, the human seemed to be handling it well.
Blade waited until they were in the shop to ask, “Why did you change your mind?”
“Change my mind about what?” Aaron responded.
“About sleeping with me.”
There was a long pause before Aaron replied, “I want you. I find you attractive. I was taught that all herms were sluts. I was taught that I shouldn’t sleep with someone other than my spouse.”
“What changed your mind?”
“The thought of losing Ice. He said that it wasn’t wrong if he knew about it. He said that it’s nobody’s business but ours what happens behind closed doors. If everyone consents, if everyone loves, how can it be wrong?”
“Aaron, you are probably the least sluttiest one of the four of us. I am glad you changed your mind. I’m glad to be carrying your child.”
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes.” Blade smiled at Aaron. “That first time I think.”
“Now it’s my turn. With Onyx’s child.”
“That is the idea. I know he loves you.”
“I held myself back from him for so long. I felt guilty for wanting him while Ice was gone.”
Blade hugged the younger man. “It’s alright. Ice loves you. Onyx loves you. I love you. There is nothing wrong with loving.” He gently stroked Aaron’s hair as he wept.
Finally Aaron pulled away. “Let’s go home.”
“Back to the hotel?”
“No, home. I want to make love to Onyx.”
“I’ll make the arrangements.”

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chapter 75

In the morning, Aaron woke to something poking him in the side. He sleepily reached down to remove the offending object. As he touched it he realized that it was Blade’s erection. The vampire had wrapped his body around Aaron’s sometime during the night. There was no way he could pry him off without waking him. Aaron lay there and contemplated the dangers of waking a hung-over vampire. Blade snuggled closer and began rubbing his hips against Aaron’s thigh. Aaron shifted uneasily as the motion aroused him. He tried to lay as still as possible but he couldn’t help matching the vampire’s rhythm. The vampire made a sound as he found his release. Aaron sat up as Blade rolled over on to his back.
He cautiously got up and slipped into the bathroom. He took care of his own release during his bath.
As he walked out of the bathroom, he noticed that the vampire was still out. He dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.
He spent the morning wandering around the town before going back to the hotel to see if Blade was up.
He walked into the bedroom to find the vampire sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.
“Good morning, Blade,” he greeted him cheerfully. The vampire glared at him and made a rude gesture with his hands. “Now is that anyway to treat someone you’re trying to seduce?”
“I hate you. Go away.” Blade growled.
“Just out of curiosity, how does a vampire get drunk?”
“Go. Away,” the vampire enunciated.
Aaron laughed. “I’m sorry. You’re usually so in control. I find the situation amusing. You do have my sympathies. I know just how you feel.”
The vampire’s reply to that statement was too low for Aaron to make out, but judging by the tone of voice it wasn’t a compliment. Blade levered himself up and stumbled into the bathroom. Aaron lay on the bed listening to the sound of running water.
“Are you feeling better?” Aaron asked when Blade finally came out.
“I need a drink.”
“Hair of the dog doesn’t actually work that well.”
The vampire flicked a hand dismissively. “I meant blood, just blood. It’ll help my headache.”
Aaron stood up and walked to where Blade was leaning against the wall rubbing his temples. He tilted his head and brushed his hair out of the way.
“Are you sure?” Blade asked.
“No. I know how good it feels to be fed from. To you this is almost as intimate as sex.”
Aaron tensed as Blade stepped forward and brushed his lips against his neck. He loved it when Ice fed from him. It made the sex so much better. His body reacted knowing what was coming. Blade licked his neck before sinking his fangs into the vein. Aaron tangled his fingers into Blade’s hair as the vampire fed.
He slid his hands down the other’s bare back. A quick tug and the towel fell on the floor. Aaron used one hand to free himself and nudged the vampire’s legs open.
A quick thrust and he was sheathed inside him. A few more thrusts and his spent himself as the vampire pulled away from his neck.
Aaron breathed heavily. He hadn’t meant to screw him, but being fed from was just so arousing.
“Are you all right?” A soft voice whispered into his ear.
“Yeah. Are you?”
A breath of air against his cheek. “Yes. I do not mind a little pain.”
Aaron shuddered in revulsion. “I do. I hate it when Ice forgets his own strength.”
“I find pain enjoyable, but not necessary. Shall we retire to the bed? Not that I find your proximity objectionable, I just think it would be little more comfortable.”
Aaron flushed as he realized that they were still leaning against the wall. He pulled away. He didn’t resist as Blade led him to the bed and removed his clothing. He curled up naked next to Blade. Eventually the feel of skin against skin aroused him to the point where he wanted, needed to be inside Blade.