Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chapter 148

    Ben’s grades slipped again after his daughter was born. He was the one responsible for her care when he was home. Onyx was willing to watch the girl during school hours. Blizzara did nothing to care for her daughter. She was out every night partying at some club.
   Ben cautiously jiggled open the window. It was the first time he’d actually done this. He listened carefully to make sure that no one was coming to investigate the sound, before slipping inside. He pocketed a few of the knick-knacks and then departed as silently as he’d entered.
   He soon became an expert at breaking and entering. He knew his parents wouldn’t approve of his larcenous tendencies, but it beat staying at home wondering where his wife was and what (or who) she was doing.
   Caitlin celebrated her second birthday and Ben celebrated his fifteenth. At times his life seemed surreal. Married and a father before he could drive. He did love his daughter. She was the only good thing that had come out of the whole mess. He planned to divorce, or at least separate, from his wife as soon as he turned eighteen, no matter what the Council said. He’d already experienced three years of a loveless marriage; he had no intention of spending the rest of his life trapped in one.


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