Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chapter 136

   Burke hobbled up the walk into his new home. The man escorted him downstairs to a bare room.
   “This is where you will stay until I need you. Food will be provided.”
   He looked around the room. “Um, where do i…?”
   He cried out as an invisible lash scored his back repeatedly.
   “Please,” he begged. The beating continued.
   “Master, please stop.”
   “Very good, you are capable of learning,” the man said as the pain faded. “A bucket will be provided for you. You may strip now.”
   Burke removed his clothing. The room was warm enough so he wasn’t in any danger of freezing. It was obvious that whatever the man’s purpose, he wanted to keep Burke alive and in reasonable health until then.
   “If I may ask, Master, what do you want with me?”
   “You are impertinent. You will be held until the time is right.”
   The man left the room and locked the door behind him. Burke was alone with his thoughts. Time passed. Invisible servants brought food and emptied his bucket. The food was better than he expected. The man never came again. To occupy his time, he sang every song he knew. When he ran out of songs, he made them up.
   After an indefinite period of time, the man returned.
   “It is time. You will come with me.”
   Burke followed the man into another underground chamber. A complex design was inlaid into the floor.
   “Lie down on your back and spread your arms and legs,” the man instructed.
   Burke hesitated. The chamber reeked of blood and death and pain. He was certain that he wouldn’t enjoy whatever was going to happen here. He yelled as pain coursed through his body.
   “Do as I instructed,” the man ordered.
   Burke crawled into position. With a gesture, invisible restraints clamped down on his wrists and ankles. Instinctively he struggled, but the bonds held him fast.
   The man smiled at him, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Burke began breathing faster as adrenaline coursed through his body. He was positive that he would die here, tonight.
   The man began to chant in an unknown tongue. A vortex of darkness swirled above Burke’s prone body. The feeling of evil increased until he felt that he was suffocating in it. Unbelievably, his body began to respond. He gasped as he became hard. He arched his hips up toward the darkness, wanting, needing to be filled. His movements matched the rhythm of the man’s chanting.
   A figure coalesced from the darkness. It was not entirely solid. It turned to look at Burke. Burke gasped. The figure was obviously, blatantly male. Its member was huge, far larger than was humanly possible and covered with wicked barbs.
   “This is the sacrifice?” its voice rasped.
   “Yes, my lord.”
   “It is male.”
   “A herm, a virgin and vampire as requested. This one should survive long enough.”
   “If it does not, you will be my next bride. I tire of your failures.”
   “Y-yes, my lord,” the man stammered, paling.
   The figure knelt between Burke’s spread legs. He wanted to close his eyes, but it was like watching a train wreck. He watched in fascinated horror as the being’s member split into two. The second one was narrower, but equally barbed. He arched his hips toward it in invitation. His mind screamed in terror while his body offered itself to the thing between his legs.
   The being’s member probed between his legs before penetrating him. Burke smelled blood and feces as the being began moving inside him. The spell arousing him transformed the pain into pleasure. His body burned as the being spilled its seed deep inside him. His ordeal wasn’t over yet as the being swelled again almost immediately. Sometime during this process, he passed out.


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