Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 133

   Burke cursed softly to himself as he searched the club. He’d gone there with his pseudo-twin, Byron. They were actually a couple of months apart, but neither of them paid any attention to that little detail. He’d dragged Byron here under protest and felt responsible for his younger brother.
   Finally Burke had to concede defeat. His brother had disappeared without a trace. There were too many unfamiliar scents surrounding the club that Burke couldn’t pick out his brother’s.
   He repeated his story several times for the police officers. He got the feeling that they suspected he’d had a hand in Byron’s disappearance. Burke knew that wasn’t true, he loved his brother.
   He haunted that club for months looking for clues. He questioned everybody he could about his brother. His search expanded to the nearby clubs and then to more distant bars. He shivered in the cold outside a nondescript seedy club. He’d been searching for months without a sign of his brother. No one had seen him leave with anyone. He knew in his heart of hearts that his brother was alive.
   He turned at the sound of crunching snow. Someone was sneaking up on him. He cursed the fact that he’d only inherited some vampire traits. His senses were enhanced but he lacked the mental abilities and the enhanced strength of a full vampire.

   He fell in the snow as a heavy weight smacked against the back of his head. As he lost consciousness, he noticed two pairs of black shoes moving around him. The feet’s owners bound him and lifted him into a car and he knew no more.


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