Friday, December 14, 2012

Chapter 138

   Ben helped around the house during his suspension. He struggled to be a model son. His normally indifferent grades improved. But soon enough his life changed forever.
   Blade and Ice stood silently in the doorway. “Come with us, Ben.”
   “Why? What have I done?”
   “Nothing. This is not a punishment.”
   “Where are we going?”
   “To see the Council,” Blade sounded tired and old.
   “Why?” Ben asked again, his eyes widening. He knew about the Vampire Council of course, but didn’t understand what they wanted with him. He was just a twelve year old boy. He hadn’t broken any of the Laws.
   He sat in the backseat of the car as Blade drove the three of them to the Council chambers. Ice was his usual unreadable self, but Blade seemed angry. They didn’t talk to each other during the long drive. Ben got the impression that they had argued over something. Which was impossible, they never argued.
   The car stopped and they got out. They went into an underground corridor.
   “Wait here, you two,” Blade said breaking the awkward silence. He entered the plain wooden doors.
   “Why am I here, Ice?”
   “I can’t tell you.”
   “Can’t or won’t?”
   The door opened and Blade gestured them inside. The Council was waiting for them in their rainbow of colors. A slender pale woman stood before the Council. She did not look happy about being here.
   “Fabian Dickson, Ice King, Benjamin King, you stand before the Council. Fabian Dickson, do you acknowledge that this boy, Benjamin King, is the son of your body and your blood?”
   “I do.”
   “Do you acknowledge that the Council holds the right to dispense of those your blood as it chooses?”
   “I do.”
   “Ice King, you stand for the boy’s mother, do acknowledge the rights of the Council?”
    “I do.”
   “Benjamin King, you have not yet reached your majority, yet you are old enough to understand. Do you acknowledge the Council’s right to determine your future? The punishment for refusing to submit to the Council’s will is usually death. Do you understand this?”
   “I understand. I submit to the will of the Council.” Ben said. He knew perfectly well that the Council ruled the vampires and half-vampires with an iron will. Comply or die. It was an effective means of control.
   “Good. Blizzara Frost, do you submit to the will of the Council?”
   “I do,” the woman said. Her body language and tone said “Go to hell.”
   “It is the will of the Council that these two individuals be joined in matrimony. However, since one of the participants is underage, consummation will wait until the boy reaches his majority in six years.”
   “Do you, Benjamin King, take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?”
   Ben struggled to find his voice. This was completely unexpected. He was only twelve, far too young to be married.
   “Benjamin, you must answer the question,” Blade prompted quietly.
   “I do.”
   “Do you, Blizzara Frost, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?”
   “Man?! He’s an untried, ignorant boy!” Contempt colored her words.
   “Blizzara,” Lord Diamond warned.
   “Very well. I agree to shackle myself to this child.”
   :Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
   She snorted. “Shall I get a ladder for him? Or perhaps an instruction manual?”
   Ben flushed. He knew he was inexperienced, but there was no reason to mock him for it. He leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the lips. She wiped her lips off afterwards.
   “If this farce is over, may I leave?”
   “You may accompany your husband to his house.”
   She fumed beside Ben the entire trip home. His parents weren’t talking either. He was struggling to wrap his mind around the fact that he was married. Married to a woman who clearly despised him. He had no idea why it had been necessary to do this, but he would wait until he could get Blade alone to ask the questions bubbling through his mind.


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