Byron stared at the snow falling softly down. Winter had
come. It had been three months since he’d been kidnapped and forcibly married.
Kory had shown him a great deal of patience during that time. Their marriage
was still unconsummated, but Byron knew that it was only a matter of time
before their mutual passion was slaked.
Kory came in brushing the snow off his coat. “I don’t
suppose I could convince you to shovel the walk instead of me.”
“N-no. B-besides I’m n-not allow outside. You s-said s-so
“So I did. I’m seriously beginning to reconsider that idea.
I’d forgotten how much it snows out here.”
“I c-could m-make c-cocoa.”
“Pass. All I need is to wrap your body around my own.”
Byron laughed and hugged his husband. It had only been
during the past couple of weeks that he’d felt comfortable enough to initiate
physical contact.
He still hadn't worked up enough nerve to kiss him, but he would
hug him, hold his hand and cuddle on the couch.
Each night, Kory would come to
his bed and they would kiss and cuddle naked. Each night, Kory would rise from
the bed before either one achieved release. This torment could not continue.
“Why d-do you n-need to c-clear the walk?”
“Habit, I suppose.”
“There are b-better habits.”
“Like what?”
“L-l-like m-m-making l-l-love to your h-h-husband.” Byron
stuttered, his cheeks on fire. It had been weeks since he’d stuttered that
“Are you sure?” Kory asked softly.
Byron nodded. There was no way he could repeat his bold
offer. Kory kissed him fiercely. Byron matched his passion. Clothes tore. Byron
fell backwards onto the couch as Kory struggled to remove his clothing. Soon
they were both naked. Byron wrapped his legs around Kory’s hips. He gasped as
Kory stroked his shaft.
“Please,” he begged. Kory’s fingers probed him, gently
opening the way. Then he was thrusting urgently inside Byron. Byron clung to
him. He scored Kory’s back as the other drove inside. Then blessed release. His
seed spilled over them as Kory shuddered with his own release.
Kory pulled away and sat next to him on the couch. Byron
cuddled closer to him.
“That was not how I pictured this would go. Are you okay,
Byron?” Kory asked concern in his voice.
“Yes. I’m fine. It was better than I imagined.”
“Good. You know, I think that’s the first time that you
haven’t stuttered.”
“C-can we d-do it again?” Byron asked shyly.
“Yes as often as you want and as long as our bodies last.
This time in our bed.”
Our bed. Byron thrilled at the sound of those words. He
still didn’t know why Kory had kidnapped him in the first place. He wasn’t
naïve enough to think that a Master Vampire like him had simply falling head or
heels in love with him at first sight. No, Kory had taken him for a reason.
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