Saturday, December 15, 2012

Chapter 139

   Ben led his new bride to their room. Blizzara looked around the room and sneered.
   “This is a dump. How can they make me live here?”
   He bit his lip. He’d been taught to show respect to his elders, but this was his home, she had no right to insult it.
   “I can’t believe the Council is making me live here with a child husband and his three sisters and their parents.”
   “Nadia’s my cousin, not my sister,” Ben volunteered.
   “Whatever,” she said crossly. “The only men here prefer the taste of cock to pussy. Do you?”
   “Do I what?” he asked confused.
   “Do you like boys or girls?” She enunciated slowly. “Watcher, you’re an idiot, too. What did I do to deserve this hell?”
   “I’m twelve. I hadn’t really thought about it.”
   “Yeah, well, what do you think about this?” She asked ripping open her shirt. He stared as her two well-formed breasts tumbled out. She took a deep breath, which threaten to cause them to spill out of her bra. Ben swallowed, mouth dry, as his body decided enthusiastically that he liked girls. A lot. His wife slowly removed her skirt, revealing a pair of lacy panties.
   “Strip,” she ordered him.
   “Are you deaf as well as stupid? Re-move your clo-thing.”
   Ben just stood there staring at her assets. He knew that they were supposed to wait until he was of age before doing anything, but he couldn’t make his body move. She glided over to him and impatiently tugged his clothing off of him.
   A gentle push and he was sprawled naked on the bed, his erection pointing toward the ceiling.

   She straddled him and lowered her body onto his. He gasped as her warm, wet depths surrounded him. A few strokes and he was shuddering with his first release. She stood up and stared at him, her nose wrinkling with disgust.

   “Well, I suppose I can’t expect an inexperienced child to last longer. Hopefully, that will have been enough to get the job done. You’re so tiny, I barely felt you.”
   She grabbed her clothing and entered the bathroom. He lay there on the bed, listening to the shower run. He felt disgusted and humiliated. His wife was a thoroughly unpleasant person and he’d just lost his virginity to her. He vowed that nothing could make him lie with her again.


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