Monday, December 31, 2012

Chapter 151

   Burke cautiously walked into his pimp’s sun room. The summons had given no indication what was the matter, but he was sure it had something to do with his pregnancy.
   “You wanted to see me, sir?”
   “Yes, you have been here four years now.”
   “Yes, sir.”
   “You are popular among a certain clientele. However, I find it puzzling that you’ve managed to conceive when you’re supposed to barren.”
   Burke stared at the floor while he formulated his thoughts. “I was pregnant once before I came here. It was a difficult pregnancy. I nearly died. I was told that there was too much damage for me to conceive again.”
   “I see. You are too far along for the usual procedure. however, I have an alternative.”
   “Usual procedure?”
   “Termination. A pregnant whore is one that isn’t earning money.”
   Burke blanched and cupped his hand protectively over his stomach. “The alternative?”
   “One of your regular clients has offered to buy your contract at a substantial increase over the current value. I have accepted his offer. He’ll be here tomorrow to pick you up.”
   “May I ask why he did this?”
   The man studied Burke before answering, “I think that he thinks that the child you’re carrying is his.”
   Burke didn’t get much sleep that night. His pimp had refused to tell him who had bought him. Probably afraid he’d run off. Burke thought cynically. Given the nature of his regular clients he wasn’t entirely sure that he was benefitting from this change.
   The next morning he walked downstairs to meet his new owner. He drew his breath in. It was the man the whores had nicknamed “Marquis de Sade” for his legendary cruelty.
   The Marquis smiled at Burke. “Good morning. I trust you’ve packed everything?”
   He nodded. “Yes, sir.”
   “Good. Shall we go?”
   Burke silently followed the man out to the car. After several minutes he hesitantly spoke. “Sir, if I may ask, why did you…?”
   “Why did I buy your contract? You’re the first person that has managed to survive my attention. You also might be carrying my child. It’ll be tested of course, just to make sure.”
   “Of course,” Burke replied softly, “and if it is?”
   “I’ll name it my heir. I won’t bed you until after you give birth.”
   “Thank you.”
   The next several months passed in a blur. True to his word, the Marquis avoided Burke’s bed. Burke was given every luxury he desired. For the first time in six years he was content. The Marquis had the best OB/GYN available tend to Burke. Because of his history, he delivered his third child by C-section.
   He lay in his room afterward wondering if he had a son or a daughter.
   “How are you feeling?” the Marquis entered the room.
   “Fine. My stomach feels a little sore.”
   “The tests are back. Thank you for giving me a healthy daughter, Cecilia.”
Cecilia King


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chapter 150

   Byron massaged his aching back. “Well, k-kid, any m-moment you’ll b-be here,” he commented to his bulging stomach. “I m-must have b-been insane or d-drunk t-to agree t-to this again.”
   “Who are you talking to, ilharn?” Cedric, his oldest asked.
   “Your n-newest s-sibling.
   “Is it here?” Cedric’s eyes were wide. At five, he was old enough to understand a little bit about where babies come from. He’d be sort of aware the last time Byron had been pregnant with his third child, Cody.
   “N-no, n-not yet. D-do you want a b-brother or s-sister?”
   “A sister. I have enough brothers. They get into everything,” he complained.
   Byron laughed at that. “They d-do indeed. S-sisters aren’t mm-uch b-better, though. If you’re n-not c-careful you’ll b-be roped into p-playing house with them.”
   “And yet you’re still playing house,” a voice commented from the doorway.
   “Daddy! You’re home!” Cedric launched himself at his father, who laughed and swung him around.
   “I see you missed me.”
   “Uh-huh. Did you bring me anything?”
   “Yes. Myself.”
   “Daddy! That’s not what I meant.”
   “Tough, you’ll just have to be satisfied with it. It was a boring business trip.” Kory smiled at Byron, “Did you miss me?” he asked softly.
   “Yeah. I was hoping you’d g-get home b-before the b-baby arrived.”
   “Me, too.” Kory kissed him tenderly.
   That night Byron rested his head on his husband’s naked chest. “That was n-nice.”
   “Nice?! Nice?! That was more than just ‘nice’,” Kory pretended to be offended. “If you’re not careful I’ll show you more than nice.”
   “That’s f-fine. It’s a little awkward with the b-belly. D-did your b-business t-trip g-go okay?”
   “Yes. The contracts were agreed to and signed by all parties involved.”
   “Are you ever g-going t-to t-tell m-me what exactly your b-business is?”
   “It’s business. Boring business. I’d rather talk about what the kids were up to while I was gone.”
   “Oh, s-same old, s-same old. I will c-confess I’m g-glad Cedric g-goes to school n-now. I d-don’t think I c-could handle three b-boys at home all d-day any longer.”
   “Does that mean you’re hoping for a girl?”
   “It would b-be n-nce change of p-pace.”
   Before too long, Byron delivered his fourth child, a boy, Craig.

Cody King

Craig King


Friday, December 28, 2012

Chapter 149

   Kory disappeared into the outbuilding. According to him, he simply needed a private place to rest. Byron had no idea what he did in that building for hours at time. The one time he’d investigated, the door had been locked and there were no windows. He knew that vampires needed complete darkness in order to fully rejuvenate.
   The vampire smiled coldly at the little girl cowering in the corner. She was obviously of mixed color. Her eyes stared up at him in terror.
   “Now, now, daughter dear, show me what I want to see,” he crooned. “Show me Burke and Ben. Show me my enemy’s children.”

   The girl gestured and a mirror swirled with light and color before coalescing into pictures. A dark hair sim with tattoos covering his pale skin knelt on the ground while another male thrust his penis into his body. The vampire smiled, delighted at the obvious pain on the sim’s face as he was violated.
   Another picture formed out of the darkness. An aqua colored sim with purple hair climbed out of a window. His pockets bulged suspiciously.
   “Excellent. I wish to speak to the sorcerer.”
   “My lord Aquamarine, how may I serve you today?” An aqua sim with tattoos covering his face and a black robe answered.
   “I wished to know if your purchase was satisfactory.”
   “Yes. The boy survived the experience and bore twin sons. One is as demonic as his sire and the other is human like his ilharn. I sold the boy to a brothel. The demon only desires virgins and I have no use for a sexual partner.”
   “Good. Are the boys males or herms?”
   “The demon is male. The other one is a herm. I plan on having them mate when they are old enough.”
   “I would consider offering my own offspring as potential mates to either of the boys.”
   “Hmm. What are they?”
   “They are both herms. They are a year apart in age.”
   “Do you offer one or both?”
   “It depends. My ‘husband’ needs to recover from the youngest one’s birth before I can impregnate him again. I plan on keeping him barefoot and pregnant. As long as he continues to amuse me. When I’m through, I’ll kill him.”
   “I accept your offer. Two of your offspring will mate with my wards. If the herm survives his brother’s attentions, that is. And if you have a vampire child. Only a vampire will survive mating with a demon or demon-spawn as the case may be.”
   “Agreed. And, Sorcerer, if you betray me…”
   “Understood, Lord Aquamarine. It is a pleasure doing business with you as always.”


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chapter 148

    Ben’s grades slipped again after his daughter was born. He was the one responsible for her care when he was home. Onyx was willing to watch the girl during school hours. Blizzara did nothing to care for her daughter. She was out every night partying at some club.
   Ben cautiously jiggled open the window. It was the first time he’d actually done this. He listened carefully to make sure that no one was coming to investigate the sound, before slipping inside. He pocketed a few of the knick-knacks and then departed as silently as he’d entered.
   He soon became an expert at breaking and entering. He knew his parents wouldn’t approve of his larcenous tendencies, but it beat staying at home wondering where his wife was and what (or who) she was doing.
   Caitlin celebrated her second birthday and Ben celebrated his fifteenth. At times his life seemed surreal. Married and a father before he could drive. He did love his daughter. She was the only good thing that had come out of the whole mess. He planned to divorce, or at least separate, from his wife as soon as he turned eighteen, no matter what the Council said. He’d already experienced three years of a loveless marriage; he had no intention of spending the rest of his life trapped in one.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chapter 147

   Burke was in coma for months after giving birth to his twin sons. Even after he regained consciousness, his recovery was slow.
   The only person he had contact was one of the sorcerer’s spirit helpers. It couldn’t speak and Burke wasn’t entirely sure that it was male.
   One day the sorcerer entered his chambers. He studied Burke for a long while before speaking.
   “It has been a year since you fulfilled your purpose here. I’m told that you have recovered physically from your ordeal. I have no use for you and since you survived the experience, I do not wish to kill you. So I have decided to sell you to a brothel.”
   Burke widened his eyes. “A brothel? Why?”
   “The man who procured you for me normally deals in such things. The tattoos on your body mark you for that trade. The tattoos cannot be removed, so you will be unable to return to a normal life.”
   He nodded. He could feel the magic imbued in the tattoos. He wanted to return home, but was ashamed of what had happened here. Even if he could leave, nothing would ever be the same again.
   A week later, Burke became the newest employee of The Soiled Dove. After a month of training, he took his first client. The nights soon blurred into each other with the help of alcohol and drugs. The owner of the brothel was delighted with his ability to withstand pain and heal quickly after injury. Soon enough most of his clientele were those men and women who enjoyed causing pain.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Chapter 146

   Byron stared down at his son. He couldn’t believe that he’d helped create this precious miracle of life. Today was his eighteenth birthday and he’d never once imagined that he’d be a husband and a parent by this time.
   Kory wrapped his arms around him. “Morning, birthday boy. How does it feel to be an adult?”
   “The s-same as b-being a t-teenager. I-I was thinking how p-precious our s-son is.”
   “I’m glad you think that. How would you feel about starting another one?”
   “S-so s-soon?”
   “No time like the present. Get the childbearing out of the way early and we’ll be able to spoil our grandchildren that much sooner.”
   Byron laughed. “Our s-son is only a year old and already you’re t-talking about g-grandchildren?”
   “Sure. Why not?”
   Byron kissed his husband. “All r-right. L-let’s have another ch-child.”
   Byron quickly conceived again and his second child was born nine months to the day after his eighteenth birthday. He was falling more in love with his husband every day which bothered him. There was nothing concrete that he could put his finger on, but something about the whole situation felt off.
Claiborne King


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chapter 145

   A spring blizzard raged outside. It matched the storm inside. Ben’s wife, Blizzara and his parents had been fighting constantly for the past six months. She insisted that the child growing inside her was Ben’s. They refused to believe it.
   He sighed and struggled to concentrate on his schoolwork. His grades had slipped again. He idly fingered the small figurine he’d “found” at the consignment store. He promised himself that he wouldn’t steal again.
   In the middle of their latest argument, Blizzara went into labor. Ben and his father rushed her to the hospital where they waited anxiously for the baby to be born.
   “I’m sorry I’ve been so hard on her, Ben.”
   “It’s okay. She shouldn’t have seduced me.”
   “The doctor agreed to do a DNA test on the baby. If it’s yours, the two of the will live with us until you turn eighteen. After that, it’s your decision where your wife and child live.”
   In the wee hours of the morning, Caitlin King entered the world. The blood test did indeed prove the girl was Ben’s daughter. At the age of thirteen, he became a father.

Caitlin King

Friday, December 21, 2012

Chapter 144

   Burke lay in bed watching the snow fall softly outside. His hands rested lightly on his huge belly. It was nearly impossible to walk due to its size. The demon-spawn growing inside him kicked him fiercely.
   The man entered the room. He smiled at Burke.
   “Come, it is time to bring forth the Master’s child.”
   Burke stumbled awkwardly down the stairs to the same room where the child had been conceived.
   “Lie down on the floor.”
   He slowly lowered himself to the cold stone floor. He lay on his back and spread his legs.
   He stared at the man as he began to chant. His abdomen clenched in agony as the muscles began to contract. Burke panted helplessly as the man forced his labor to start. A warm liquid gushed from between his legs. His stomach growled as the metallic scent of blood filled the room.
   His body felt like it was being ripped in two as something moved between his legs. He screamed as a tongue began licking the blood off his thighs. The child was far more mobile than a normal child.
   The man picked up the child and carried it off into the night. Burke lay there bleeding to death.
   Unseen hands cleaned the blood off of Burke’s body. They slipped into his vagina and pressed on the torn vessels until the blood flow ceased. He was carried upstairs and placed in the bed. A fresh IV was attached to his arm and he was left there to recover or die.




Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chapter 143

    Byron stood there staring out the window as his husband raked the leaves. One year had passed since he’d been kidnapped.

   His baby kicked him. He idly rubbed his belly. He couldn’t wait to give birth. It seemed like he’d been pregnant forever.
   He winced and rubbed his back. The cramps had been getting worse. Kory hurried up to him as he moaned in pain.
   “Byron, are you okay?”
   He nodded, in too much pain to speak.
   “C’mon, let’s get you into bed. The baby’s coming now.” Kory guided Byron to their bedroom.
   Kory gently removed Byron’s soaked clothing. He lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Byron concentrated on his breathing while Kory called out instructions.
   Kory cradled their son, Cedric, while Byron lay recovering on the bed.
   “Congratulations, Byron, you’ve given me a son.”
   Byron smiled up at his husband before drifting off to sleep.

Cedric King Aquamarine