Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chapter 123

   Aaron mumbled groggily as the phone rang. He buried his face deeper into the pillow. It was late. After living underground for so many years, he had developed an accurate time sense.
   Blade answered the phone. “Hello. Aaron’s phone.”
   “No, he’s sleeping right now. Is it important?”
   “Of course.” Aaron grunted as Blade shook his shoulder. “Sorry, you have to wake up. Your sister’s on the phone.”
   Aaron groaned and reached for the phone. “Do you have any idea what time it is, Ariel?”
   “Yes. Can you come over, please?” He barely understood her through the tears.
   “What’s wrong?”
   “It’s Matthew. He, he, he’s dead.”
   Aaron dropped the phone at that. He couldn’t believe that his brother-in-law was dead. It had been five years since the last time he’d seen him. Matthew had made it quite clear that Aaron was no longer welcome. Aaron didn’t object too much. It was much easier to avoid them than explain that he’d slept with his sister’s husband.
   “Okay, let me get dressed and I’ll be right over.” Aaron reassured her after retrieving his phone.
   He broke the world’s record for dressing as well as a few speed limits on his way over there. He surmised that Matt had met with foul play rather than suffering a natural death. As far as Aaron knew, Matt was in a good health for a man of forty-five.
   As he pulled into the street, he saw police cars surrounding his sister’s house. That confirmed his suspicions regarding Matt’s death.
   “Excuse me, officer, can I go in? I’m Ariel’s brother.”
   The officer consulted with his superiors before letting Aaron into the house.
   “Ariel, what happened?”
    “If you don’t mind, we’ll ask the questions.” A man in a suit interjected.
   “Of course, detective. I was just worried about my sister. I’m Aaron Aaeng.”
   “Do you live here, Mr. Aaeng?”
   “Where were you earlier tonight?”
   “I’ve been home all night.”
   “Can anyone confirm that?”
   Aaron hesitated. Answering the question would out him to his sister, something he was still reluctant to do. “Can we continue this some place private?”
   “Are you avoiding the question?”
   “No, but I don’t want to talk in front of Ariel.” He gestured to his sobbing sister.
   “What can’t you say in front of me?”
   “Ariel, please…”
   The detective led Aaron to the other side of the room. “What are you hiding from her?”
   “She doesn’t know about my private life. She wouldn’t approve, so I’ve kept it secret. I was with my lovers and our children.”
   “Lovers? Plural?”
   “Yes. I have three male lovers.”
   “I see. They’ll alibi you?”
    “Yes. I spent the night in bed with one of them. What happened to Matt?”
   “He was shot. We can’t determine if it was suicide or homicide. Is there any reason you can think of that might cause him to kill himself?”
   Aaron was silent for a while. His answer would hurt Ariel, but the police would find out soon enough. “Yes. He was a herm. The town where he grew up had firm beliefs regarding herms and same sex relationships. I know he felt guilty for desiring men.”
   “Do you know if he had a boyfriend?”
   Aaron shook his head. “I haven’t spoken to him in five years. Not since his daughter married my step-daughter.”
  “What happened then?”
  “I, we, my lovers and I had sex with him.”
  “All of you at once?”
   “Was that the first time you’d been intimate with him?”
   “No, there was another time, nine years ago.”
   “Your sister never knew?”
   “No. She’s my sister. She’s the head of the PPP, having a brother who was sleeping with men would damage her reputation.”
  “That’s an odd position to take.”
   “I know, but…”
   “Did Matthew have any enemies?”
   “Personal? I don’t know of any, but he was involved with the PPP. If any of them found out about his preferences, it could have caused problems.”
   “Thank you, Mr. Aaeng. We’ll be in touch if we have any more questions.”

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