Friday, November 23, 2012

Chapter 121

   Aaron straightened Meghan’s collar. “It’s hard to believe you’re getting married today.”
   “I know, Uncle Aaron. I wish Dad was here though.”
   “Me too. He has to learn to accept who he is first. I’m not sure if he can.”
   Meghan hugged him. “I’m glad I’m not alone.”
   Aaron grinned. It wasn’t the first time he’d been the father of the bride, but it still made him sad. It was hard knowing that another little girl was grown up and moving out on her own.
   “You look beautiful. I’m sure you look as beautiful as your mother did on her wedding day.”
   “Or as beautiful as you did on yours?” Meghan asked mischievously.
   “Men aren’t beautiful. They’re handsome. Besides, it was just the two of us.”
   “Ice is beautiful. Like a statue.”
   “He believes in living up to his name. He’s much warmer when you get to know him. You should have thought of that before you agreed to marry his daughter.”
   “How come she’s his daughter but not yours?”
   “Long story,” Aaron replied curtly. He did not want to think of those years that Ice had been imprisoned, raped and tortured. Of course, Blade wouldn’t have come into his life without that time, but it still bothered him to think about it.
   The wedding ceremony was moving. All the girls dissolved into tears as Meghan and Abigail pledged their love to one another. Afterwards, the girls accepted congratulations from the family.
   They cut the cake and everyone ate, drank and danced in celebration.
   Aaron wandered away from the festivities. Ice followed him.
   “Penny for your thoughts?”
   “I was just thinking about our wedding.”
   “Do you regret not having your family present?”
   “No, my parents would never have approved. My father beat me for kissing a boy, what would he have done if he’d known I was marrying one?”
   “I’m sorry your family wasn’t more supportive, love.”
   “The wedding must have really gotten to you too. You almost never use pet names. I practically have to drag expressions of affection from you.” Aaron teased.
   “Perhaps. Weddings are a time to think of families, past and future. I wish I could have introduced you to mine.”
   “Really?” Aaron was surprised. Ice had never mentioned his own family before. Aaron had surmised that they had died years before.
   “Yes. I think my mother would have liked you, once she got over the shock of her precious baby boy marrying another man.”
   Aaron laughed at that.
   “What’s so funny?”
   “Just the thought of you being someone’s ‘precious baby boy’, I guess.”
   “Vampires have parents too, you know. Most of us are Made not born.”
   “I know, I know. I just can’t picture them. Did you have any siblings?”
   “Yes, an older brother and sister. That’s why I wasn’t ‘fixed’ at birth. My father had a male heir. It wasn’t important that his second son was a herm. He just wanted me to be happy.”
   “Are you?”
   “Yes. I love you, Aaron Aaeng King.”
   Aaron kissed him. “I love you too, Ice King.”
   A cough from the shadows distracted them from expressing their love.
   “Who’s there?” Aaron demanded.
   Matt stepped out of the shadows. He smiled hesitantly. “I didn’t want to miss my daughter’s wedding.”
   “She’s over there.” Ice gestured to the festivities in the distance.
   “So I see.”
   Aaron wondered why his brother-in-law wasn’t moving in that direction. He realized that Matt was staring at them embracing. He flushed when he realized that Matt was aroused. Ice was idly stroking his backside, watching Matt. Aaron wanted to shove Ice away. It wasn’t nice to deliberately arouse another.
   “So, Matt, you want to join in the festivities? Aaron and I were about to ‘celebrate’. Do you want to join us?” Ice offered in a soft voice.
   “What’s going on over here?” A voice called from the darkness. Blade and Onyx approached the threesome. Aaron’s body tightened with desire.
   “I was offering to celebrate our daughter’s union with Matt.” Ice explained.
   “Really? I’m in.” Blade said laughter in his voice.
   “Is it even possible?” Onyx wanted to know.
   “It’s difficult, but not impossible.”
   “Do I want to know how you acquired that information?” Aaron asked Blade. Blade was easily the most experienced lover out of the four of them.
   “Probably not. That information would most likely blow your poor mortal mind.”
   “Um, what are you guys talking about?” Matt asked looking at them nervously.
   “Why having a fivesome, of course! With you in the middle position.” Blade replied grinning.
   “Oh, um, I’m not sure…”
   Blade glided over to him and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. “It’ll be an experience you won’t forget, Matthew…”

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