Monday, November 5, 2012

Chapter 111

   Ice paused during his walk. He’d become stuck on his latest chapter and found that a nice long walk was the best way to work out his difficulty. He took another sniff of the ocean air. It confirmed his earlier impression. Someone nearby was furious and bleeding. A third sniff told him gave him the identity of the person. He considered his options for a moment before following the scent. It had been a couple of weeks since Parents’ Night and he was curious to see if Matthew was pregnant.
   As he approached the pier, he could see Matthew gripping the railing tightly. He approached silently.
   “You’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t let go of that railing,” he commented.
   Matthew jumped, startled and whirled around to face Ice. The scent of blood was stronger, but he’d fed earlier that night and could ignore it.
   “Don’t sneak up on people.”
   Ice shrugged. Silence was habit. If Aaron and Onyx hadn’t managed to change his habits after twenty years, Matthew couldn’t do it in a night. “You’re bleeding.”
   The other man looked at his palm. “Yeah, looks like I got a splinter.”
   “I’ll dig it out for you.”
   “Here? I don’t think there’s enough light.”
   Ice smiled. “I don’t need a lot of light.” He took the other’s hand and turned it palm up. It was a full moon so there was more than enough light to see the splinter. Unfortunately the only thing he had to dig it out with was his teeth. As he considered this, the wind brought him a change in Matthew’s scent. Ice felt his fangs slide out as his penis stiffened. He tightened his grip on the other’s hand as he fought to control his reaction. The last thing Matthew needed was a vampire feeding on him.
   “Ice,” Matthew hissed, “you’re holding me too tight.”
   Ice dropped his hand and turned away. “I apologize. Sometimes I forget my own strength.”
   “Okay. Did you remove the splinter?”
   “No. It’s in too deep. I have nothing to remove it with.”
   “Oh. I guess I’ll have to do it later.”
   “Matthew, I could use my teeth. If you want to remove it now.”
   “You plan on biting me?” Matthew sound incredulous.
   “Yes. It won’t hurt and it’ll be quicker.”
   “Fine. Let’s just get it over with.”
   Ice lifted Matthew’s hand again. He bent over and smelled the heady combination of blood and lust. His fangs slide out and Ice carefully positioned them over the splinter.
   Matthew gasped as Ice bit him. “I thought you said it wouldn’t hurt.”
   Ice grunted as his mouth filled with blood. It didn’t take too long to get the splinter out. He lifted his mouth and pulled it out. The wound was oozing some blood, so he bent again and ran his tongue over the wound. This time the sound out of Matthew’s mouth was one of pleasure. Ice began alternating between sucking and licking, trying to vary the sounds the other was making. This angle gave him a very good view of Matthew’s crotch. He could see the other’s pants stretch across the growing bulge.

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