Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chapter 113

   Ice waited patiently as Matthew wept. He privately wondered why everyone seemed to think his shoulder was perfect for crying on. His stern countenance softened as he looked at the man in his arms. Still it was nice to be needed, nice to be the one who protected instead of the monster that was protected against. He shifted Matthew to a more comfortable position and hoped the other man wouldn’t notice his growing erection. Finally Matthew calmed down. Ice picked him up and carried him to his car. He gently set the other man down on his feet.
   “Don’t go.”
   “I won’t, but I don’t know how to drive.”
   “How’d you get here?”
   “I walked.”
   Matthew leaned against his body. Closely enough that he couldn’t fail to miss Ice’s desire. Actually, Ice could feel Matthew responding to him. Ice did nothing as the other man abruptly turned and fumbled for his car keys.
   “Do you need a lift home?”
   “That would be nice.” Ice walked around the car and got in. He patiently gave Matthew directions to his house.
   “This is where you live? There’s nothing here.” Matthew sounded confused as he pulled up outside Ice’s home.”
   “It’s all underground.”
   “Doesn’t that get a little claustrophobic?”
   “Not for me. Would you like to come in?”
   “I better not.”
   “I’m not ready to face Aaron yet.”
   “Blade had a hot tub installed in one corner of the lot. It’s private and no one will intrude if you prefer.”
   “I don’t have a suit.”
   “Do you really need one?"
   Ice smiled to himself as he smelled the blood rush to Matthew’s cheeks. At that moment Matthew’s phone rang. He answered it without checking to see who was calling. Matthew got out of the car and turned away, but that was no barrier to the vampire’s keen hearing. Matthew closed the phone with an audible click. Ice approached him.
   “Who was that?” he asked even though he’d been able to hear the entire conversation.
   “Nobody important.” Matthew dismissed the phone call, but Ice knew he was angry. He put his arm around the younger man and guided him to the hot tub. There was nothing like a long, hot soak followed by a massage to get rid of tension.
   Matthew made no protest as Ice undressed him. He slid into the water gasping at the heat. Ice quickly removed his own clothing and joined the human in the tub.

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